Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Despite the best medicine there is, the prayers, family and friends support, people sometime dies. after all, we're mortals. medical procedures whatever it is, is just to support and extends one's life. but above all were under the universal law that one has to expire someday in one way or another.
When a baby comes out of the mother's womb, the baby usually cries on top of its lungs, simply because they were experiencing fear and shock of being in a completely different environment. They were used to this dark but very comfortable place inside the womb. Being born is leaving that familiar environment. It's like dying, but the next level is a new life, a new dimension which is more spacious, brighter, exciting and a beautiful one. In the same manner, Leaving this comfortable and familiar world is dying but since we are going to unfamiliar dimension, we fear death.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Water Part 2

While in prison he conducted extensive research into the medicinal effects of water in preventing and relieving many painful degenerative diseases. Evin Prison proved an ideal “stress laboratory,” and despite his being offered an earlier release, Dr. Batman chose to stay an extra four months in prison to complete his research into the relationship of dehydration and bleeding peptic ulcer disease. The report of his findings was published as the editorial of the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology in June 1983.
On his release from prison in 1982, Dr. Batman escaped from Iran and came to America. He wrote his ground-breaking book Your Body’s Many Cries for Water in 1992, which has been translated into fifteen languages and continues to inspire readers worldwide. In his book, he stated that a dry mouth is not a reliable indicator of dehydration. The body signals its water shortage by producing pain. Dehydration actually produces pain and many degenerative diseases, including asthma, arthritis, hypertension, angina, adult-onset diabetes, lupus, and multiple sclerosis.
Dr. Batman’s message to the world was, “You are not sick, you are thirsty. Don’t treat thirst with medication.”
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Dr. Batman and the “Water Cure”:
Physicians rarely promote the curative properties of water, but the late Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, M.D. (aka “Dr. Batman”) studied water’s effect on the human body and found it to be one of the best pain relievers and preventative therapies. His pioneering work shows that Unintentional Chronic Dehydration (UCD) contributes and even produces pain and many degenerative diseases which can be prevented and treated by increasing water intake.
Dr. Batman was born in Iran in 1931, and he practiced medicine in the UK before returning to Iran where he played a key role in the development of hospitals and medical centers. When the Iranian Revolution broke out in 1979, Dr. Batman was placed in the infamous Evin Prison as a political prisoner for thirty-one months. It was there he discovered the healing powers of water. One night, Dr. Batman had to treat a fellow prisoner with crippling peptic ulcer pain. With no medications at his disposal, Dr. Batman gave him two glasses of water. Within several minutes, his pain completely disappeared. He was instructed to drink two glasses of water every three hours and became absolutely pain free for his four remaining months in the prison. While in prison, Dr. Batman successfully treated over three thousand fellow prisoners suffering from stress-induced peptic ulcer disease with water alone.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Cancer Part 4

I'd like to tell them how three glasses of water, half a teaspoon of rock salt, one saba banana and siling labuyo took out a hypertensive patient's crushing headache and brought down her blood preasure from 240/140 to 115/75 in 5 minutes. And how it has done the same for other hypertensive patients.
I'd like to tell them how three people scheduled for leg amputation for diabetic gangrene got the gangrene cured, the very high blood sugar normalized and the amputation canceled in one week with the use of six mineral food supplements, raw pork pancreas which are very rich in natural insulin, raw garlic plastered over the would to kill any infection and 6,000 mg of vitamin C daily to accelerate the healing of the wound all at a cost of only P1,300 for that one week.
There are are many more things I'd like to tell them, which is why I'm happy to accept invitations to give natural healing lectures for free.
My mission is to spread the good new of natural healing to as many people as possible, and I am doing this together with the Philippine College for the advancement in Medicine (PCAM) a non-profit foundation founded in 1995 by seven medical doctors who have been practicing alternative medicine since the 1980's.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Cancer Part3-Healing cancer naturally

In 1997, the Philippines was blessed with the passage into law of the traditional & Alternative Medicine Act of 1997, which established natural healing as legal of medicine side by side with pharmaceutical drug-based medicine. The preamble of the law says it is the policy of the state to accelerate the development of traditional and alternative health care and to integrate it into the national health care delivery system. This law was passed because 70% of our people do not get adequate health care for three reasons : 1)We don't have enough doctors and the supply is dwindling because we are losing doctors to the US and to the nursing profession, 2)most doctors prefers to practice in urban areas, and 3) Drugs, medical procedures and hospitalizations are priced way above what people can afford.
The message I would like to send out to my country men is that natural healing with food and food supplement heals faster and better than synthetic drugs, with out thye side effect of synthetic drugs.
I'd like to tell them how raw pork pancreas and raw beef liver with coffee enemas and food supplement that clear up the arteries of blockage, clear up the blood of toxins and a 100 % raw food diet (which I call Adam & Eve Diet) have cured terminal cancer patients of leukemia, brain cancer liver cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, prostrate cancer in 2 to 7 months. How a scan by an oncologist in a top rated hospital found a pancreatic cancer patient's 7.8 cm tumor shrinking to 4 cm . in just 1.5 months with raw pork pancreas and liver. And how the oncologist told the patient to continue taking the pancreas and liver and she won't need any chemo anymore. I'd like to tell them how the cost the cost of this natural treatment for cancer has ranged from P2,000 to P25,000 a month ($40 to $500).
To be continued...
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Cancer Part2 -Pancreatic Enzymes

Pancreatic Enzyme Therapy
By: Jimmy Dy Liacco
So I kept searching until I found Dr. William Donald Kelley, who had 1.5 months terminal pancreatic cancer, researched the medical literature and found the scientific basis for the pancreatic enzyme therapy, which he developed to cure himself in 18 months. He survived for the next 43 years until he died of congestive heart failure at 80 in January 2005. In the 43 years that he lived, Dr. Kelly cured more than 33,000 terminal patients of all kinds of cancer with the same pancreatic enzyme therapy.
In 1980, Sloan Kettering Memorial Hospital, the top cancer hospital in the east coast, sent a doctor to Kelly’s clinic to study his cases with a mandate to submit a report after a month saying that Kelly was a NO.1 quack.
But the doctor, Nicolas Gonzalez, found thousand of documented cases which took him 5 years to study. He returned to New York in 1986 and submitted a301 –page report that if people followed Kelly’s protocol strictly, the cure for pancreatic cancer was 100 percent, and for all other cancer, 97 percent.
So the Kelley’s protocol was what I followed, and cured my cancer in six months without surgery, chemo, radiation. Kelly found cancer was just nutritional deficiency of the pancreatic digestive enzymes and the vitamins and minerals that makes for a strong immune system which, however, cannot kill the cancer cells unless its outer protective animal protein coating was first digested by the pancreatic enzymes.
My getting cancer and being cured of it naturally was what got me interested in natural healing, no longer just for cancer but for all diseases.
To be continued….
Sunday, September 27, 2009
In May, a friend of mine was diagnosed with colon cancer...it was just few weeks after we meet where I handed him my blog address... it was full of cancer related discussions and protocols... He was told he has two months to live by his doctor...I was in pain... the discussions in my blog are just mere suggestions....ideas...In his part, he needs a professional naturopath who has widerange of experience dealing with the big C. Authors of the protocol in cancer cure were either dead or unreachable... I could only sigh in relief upon knowing that they chose a naturopath over a western medical doctor to look after him... but nevertheless, he died two months later, it was not clear whether he died of cancer or other complications.
Despite that I should always continue to share what ever new and natural is available.
I happened to read an article from Jimmy Dy-Liacco, entitled Eat raw pork pancreas daily, live longer.
His elder brother died after 18 months of battling cancer, it was costly, painful but inutile way of dealing with the disease. Mr. Liacco himself is a prostrate cancer survivor, when he got the disease in 1994; he decided an alternative option. He tried to find the best way but encountered many protocols being offered which to him is confusing. 17,000 stage 4 cancer study in california found the five year survival rate was only 6 percent and the best so far was the Gerson theraphy at 36 percent. He asked... what if you belong with the 64 percent?
To be continued..
Monday, August 10, 2009
Carbon Dioxide Part3

Waiting to Exhale
Did you know we're all mildly hyperventilating? Phil Cornwel-Smith learns from the Buteyko method how breathing less can cure asthma, allergies, stress and even snoring.
"You don't need to wear a mask in Bangkok if you know how to breathe"
"Though some results are miraculous, they're in fact earned, logical and physiologically based."
Who Breathes the Buteyko Way?
Russian cosmonauts, to conserve air in space.
World Champion and Olympic bronze medallist kayaker Ramon Andersson.
Olympic athletes, including rower Emmily Snook and swimmer Matthew Dunn.
10,000 sufferers of respiratory ailments in Australian and New Zealand alone.
Patients in Russia's health system, where it's been an integrated treatment since 1981.
"Take a deep breath." Sound advice when you're under stress you'd assume and a common response around the world, but not according to Jac Vidgen, an Australian practitioner of Buteyko, a self-corrective method of breathing. He urges you to "breathe less"!
"What they're really saying is control your breathing," he explains. "It's only very recently as upright creatures that we've experienced stress the way we do. Our heart rate and breathing increase and chemical changes occur. Now, that's appropriate for a hunter or fighter, [but not] for someone sitting behind a desk or in traffic. Our respiratory centre, part of that bank of computers in the rear of the brain that controls the body's automatic processes, has been reprogrammed by the culture we live in."
Don't be alarmed - you can change it back! "In the 1950s, Russian respiratory physician Dr Constantin Pavlovich Buteyko, found that by re-training incorrect breathing habits, chronic patients significantly improved in a whole range of breathing related conditions, such as allergies, sinusitis, hayfever, anxiety, sleep apnoeia, emphysema and chronic fatigue syndrome, but the easiest [to improve] is asthma."
"I was trained five years ago by a Russian protégé of Buteyko, Alexander Stalmatsky, who'd been brought to Australia [where 10% of the population is asthmatic], then New Zealand, where in the two countries we've had more than 10,000 patients and 30 practitioners," says Vidgen.
ISSUE No: 48 July 1998 SECTION: Features WRITER: Phil Cornwel-Smith
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Carbon Dioxide Part3

At the end of the last century Austrian physiologists Breyer and Gering made a sensational discovery - man is the only biological specimen on earth who had not developed a correct way of breathing. All other beings know how to breathe, but not humans. Just observe those around you carefully and you will find that people breathe differently. Some breathe deeply, others superficially, some faster, others slower, with pauses and some without.
Russian Medical Scientist Professor Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko has devoted over 40 years of research into breathing and in the process discovered that only one in ten people breathe correctly. Natural or normal breathing results in a very specific accumulated gas mixture that our organism requires. to function properly.
Traditional wisdom tells us that deep breathing is the best as it is thought to provide the most oxygen. We inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide and the conclusion that is drawn is that oxygen is good for us and carbon dioxide is harmful. When Professor Buteyko was first analysing his patients he discovered that those who were sick breathed much more than those who were healthy; that is, their tidal volume, depth and frequency was greater. Could it be that "breathing deeply" is in fact contributing to ill health?
In 1871 the Dutch doctor De Costa discovered the "Hyperventilation Syndrome" whereby deep breathing in a relaxed state caused dizziness and sometimes fainting. This is often incorrectly attributed to oxygen saturation. According to the Verigo-Bohr effect, it is the ratio of carbon dioxide to oxygen which permits the release or retention of oxygen from the blood.
At the end of the last century Russian physiologist Verigo and Dutch scientist Bohr independently discovered that without carbon dioxide, oxygen is bound to the haemoglobin of the blood and simply does not work. This consequently leads to oxygen deficiency in the tissues of the brain, heart, kidneys and other organs and a raising of blood pressure.
Strange as it may seem, oxygen deficiency is not caused by lack of oxygen but by the lack of carbon dioxide! If we breathe too much we get less oxygen.
For the cells of the brain, heart, kidney and other organs, our blood requires a concentration of: 6.5% carbon dioxide and only 2% oxygen.
The function of our respiratory system is not just to push air in and out but to maintain a very specific ratio of oxygen to carbon dioxide.
When we over breathe or hyperventilate, we lose valuable carbon dioxide. According to Professor Buteyko, "hidden hyperventilation" often goes undiagnosed. When a person is acutely hyperventilating, it's obvious and the implications to the organism are disastrous. Hidden hyperventilation often goes unnoticed. Asthmatics overbreathe three or more times the recommended amount. Long term "hidden hyperventilation" is the hinge upon which Buteyko's discovery and method are based.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Carbon Dioxide Part2

During a demonstration teaching conducted by a school in choosing an elementary teacher for biology, the teacher explained that carbon dioxide has no value and regarded as a waste gas. This perception is usual to most people, but a physiologist by the name Dr. Buteyko, think otherwise. He teaches that Carbon Dioxide is essential in most of body functions. He even went further to say that Carbon Dioxide is staple to all living thing, Vitamin of all vitamins. Below is an explanation of the role of Carbon Dioxide in our Body.
Oxygenation: Carbon dioxide plays a large role in oxygen transport from the blood to the cells of the brain and body. A reduction in carbon dioxide levels brings with it reduced oxygenation of tissue and vital organs (Verigo-Bohr Effect). This can lead to many health problems.
Acid/Alkaline Balance and the Immune System: Carbon dioxide, through its conversion to carbonic acid, is a primary regulator of the acid/alkaline balance of the body. A reduction in carbon dioxide shifts the body's pH toward alkalinity, which alters the rate of activity of other biochemical processes. An alkaline system weakens the immune system, thus making the body more susceptible to viruses and allergies.
Vessels: Carbon dioxide helps to dilate smooth muscle tissue. Insufficient carbon dioxide can cause spasms throughout the body, including the brain, the bronchi, and other smooth muscle tissues. Good examples are the spasms that take place during asthma attacks and migraines.
The Cardiovascular System: Carbon dioxide helps regulate the cardiovascular system. Too little carbon dioxide can result in many problems, including angina, high blood pressure, chest pain, myocardial infarcts, strokes, and so on.
The Digestive System: A direct relationship exists between the level of carbon dioxide in the body and the functioning of the digestive glands—especially between the level of carbon dioxide and the intensity of gastric secretion. Too little carbon dioxide can eventually lead to poor digestion and eventually to ulcers.
Thursday, July 16, 2009

As I was reading this story of a lupus survivor, I was imagining my own nightmare as a parent when my only boy of age 6 got sick of an autoimmune disease called Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA), way back in 2005, and could only recover after 2 years of fighting the disease.It was like 2 years in hell. I was imagining how her parents suffered for the whole time. Nutrition especially from supperfood such as wheatgrass and other Green superfoods could make miracle when everything is almost hopeless.
The Story of a Lupus Survivor and Wheatgrass
"I was in second year college in 2003 when I was diagnosed with Lupus Nephritis (Class 4). I was hospitalized for more than one month. Two years later, after a seizure, the diagnosis was even more stunning: I had Lupus Cerebritis, which means that the disease had reached my brain. I was also told I could no longer go back to school. I was so devastated I just wanted to die.
I was told to see a psychiatrist so I could accept the fact that lupus would forever be in my system. I did not follow the suggestion. I was determined, and I began to believe in my heart, that prayers and research would help me find a cure.
Lupus is a disease where the immune system goes on a rampage, attacking even healthy cells, resulting in severe damage to my kidneys, lungs and hemoglobin count. In my case this happened whenever I experienced pressure and depression. I was hospitalized three times for long periods, put under heavy medication all the while, and the effect on my family’s finances was just as devastating.
Subjected to all kinds of procedures, my body became almost immune to pain. One procedure involved taking out 4 liters of liquid from my lungs… it was so painful I wished for death just to escape the pain, but I just let them do it anyway. My pain threshold went up some more, and during another open surgery I was awake during the whole procedure because the anesthesia no longer had any effect on me… possibly also because of all the drugs that had been given to me.
In 2007, they started giving me 5000 units of Recormon injection due to very low hemoglobin count. (Normally, blood count is at 12-17 G/DL; mine went down to 8.1 G/DL) which caused me to have shortness of breath and weakness almost to the point of collapsing. I could not sleep well. Black circles began to form under my eyes and other sensitive parts of my body. Also at this time my mother was suffering from slight anemia and symptoms similar to mine.
Then one evening while she was listening to her favorite radio station, she heard about wheat grass and its health benefits when taken regularly. She immediately contacted the person in the radio program to ask where she could get the grass.
Just two days after taking the said grass, she felt strong and was relieved of feeling weak after just minor household chores. She then encouraged me to take it also and see if it could help me. However, my doctor said I should not take it because it might conflict with my other medicines and that it might harm my kidneys.
My mother was so persistent and suggested that I should try the wheatgrass without stopping my medicines. I started taking two sachets a day for two weeks. I stopped my injection then so we could observe the effect of wheatgrass.
In just two weeks I started feeling so fantastic. I felt strong, my sleeping improved and my dizziness was gone. I had my hemoglobin count tested again and the result was amazing: it had gone up from 8.1 to 12 G/DL (normal) and my creatinine was normal.
My doctor was surprised. We had not told her I was taking wheatgrass. She must have thought it was due to Recormon injections and other maintenance medicines.
After just six months of daily wheatgrass intake, I am testing negative for protein, my pus cells normal… no more urinary tract infection (UTI) though all these past years I had been taking high dosages of antibiotics for UTI. My doctor continues to be surprised at my progress; I should be out of steroids soon. I am praying that with this new non-synthetic food supplement I will continue to improve and completely heal my disease and I will be normal again to continue my studies. I feel very strong now and am more confident because I have not had any attack the past six months.
I am now allowed to study at the University of the Philippines home-stay program. I now have a temporary job in the day time to test my endurance and ability to cope with pressure. I want to finish my studies so I can find a permanent job so I can continue my regular dosage of wheatgrass.
I will take this product forever and have recommended it to other lupus victims like me. "
Taken from:http://pinoywheatgrass.blogspot.com/2009/05/story-of-lupus-survivor-and-wheatgrass.html
Saturday, July 11, 2009

Children having fever are cause of stress, worries and sleeplessness among parents, If you are one one them you know what I really mean.
If a child has a fever most of us immediately give Tylenol, Paracetamol, Aspirin or other over-the counter medications. Of course we would rather choose chewable tablets or flavored syrup especially designed for children. Is it a right thing to do?
This article provides educational information about the role of fever in our bodies and how it can be safely controlled. This information is not a substitute for your doctor’s advice.
What Humans have an internal system controlled by the hypothalamus, which maintains our body temperature around 98.6 degrees F. The “normal,” range fluctuates from 98.6 degrees to 99.5 degrees F, which is an optimal range for all biochemical reactions in the body. A fever is when the body’s temperature rises above 100.5 degrees F.
Although in most cases fever develops in response to infections, cancer, and disease; it can also appear after a vigorous exercise. Fever itself is not a disease but a symptom of an underlying pathological process and in many cases does not require medical intervention unless it is higher than 102 degrees F. The increased body temperature helps in fighting the infection; therefore a child with a fever who is feeling and behaving well may not need any medication, unless he/she is younger than 3 months.
Increase in our body temperature is a defense mechanism by which the body cells shut down many functions and shift their activity towards producing a series of specific “safety” proteins called heat shock proteins. Although scientists are still studying their many functions, it is known that heat shock proteins are critical for survival when any organism is exposed to stress. These proteins protect us not only against damage by heat, but also by toxins, heavy metals, oxidative agents or a lack of oxygen (hypoxia). Therefore, a temporary increase in the body’s temperature causes little harm and it is needed to launch this natural defense.
Consequently, rushing with the medication at the first sign of fever is not always beneficial and even tends to prolong the illness rather than shortening it. Studies show that moderate fever can aid in the fight against infectious organisms and boosting the body’s immune response. Parents should not worry excessively about fever in children who are eating, drinking, and acting normally. If the fever rises to 103 degrees F, or the child becomes uncomfortable, consultation with a physician is necessary.
Info above was taken from Dr. Rath Research Institute.
Sunday, July 5, 2009

Walnuts 'combat unhealthy fats'
The new superfood?
Eating walnuts at the end of a meal may help cut the damage that fatty food can do to the arteries, research suggests.
It is thought that the nuts are rich in compounds that reduce hardening of the arteries, and keep them flexible.
A team from Barcelona's Hospital Clinico recommend eating around eight walnuts a day.
The study, which appears in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, also showed walnuts had more health benefits than olive oil.
The protective fat from walnuts actually undoes some of the detrimental effects of a high-saturated- fat diet
Professor Robert Vogel
The researchers recruited 24 adults, half with normal cholesterol levels, and half with levels that were moderately high to the research, which was partly funded by the California Walnut Commission.
Each was given two high-fat salami and cheese meals, eaten one week apart.
For one meal, the researchers added five teaspoons of olive oil. For the other, they added eight shelled walnuts.
Tests showed that both the olive oil and the walnuts helped to reduce the sudden onset of harmful inflammation and oxidation in arteries that follows a meal high in saturated fat.
Over time, this is thought to cause the arteries to start to harden - and increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.
However, unlike olive oil, adding walnuts also helped preserve the elasticity and flexibility of the arteries, regardless of cholesterol level.
Arteries that are elastic can expand when needed to increase blood flow.
Lead researcher Dr Emilio Ros said eating high fat meals disrupted production of nitric oxide by the inner lining of the arteries, a chemical needed to keep blood vessels flexible.
Key chemical
Walnuts contain arginine, an amino acid used by the body to produce nitric oxide.
The nuts also contain antioxidants and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a plant-based omega-3 fatty acid with health giving properties.
Dr Ros is starting a new trial to see whether the ALA in walnuts can help people with abnormal heart rhythms.
He warned against people assuming they can eat what they like so long as they accompany it with walnuts.
"Instead, they should consider making walnuts part of a healthy diet that limits saturated fats."
Professor Robert Vogel, of University of Maryland in Baltimore, said: "This demonstrates that the protective fat from walnuts actually undoes some of the detrimental effects of a high-saturated- fat diet, whereas a neutral fat, such as olive oil, does not have as much protective ability.
"This raises a very interesting issue because many people who eat a Mediterranean diet believe the olive oil is providing the benefits.
"But this research and other data indicate that's not true.
"There are probably other factors in the diet, including that it is a relatively rich source of nuts.
"This is not to say that olive oil is bad, but it's not the key protective factor in the Mediterranean diet."
Taken From: BBC news channel, posted by Dr. Allan Cadano
Monday, June 29, 2009
Low Dose Naltexone and Cancer Part 4

Among those who have shown significant movement toward remission, most had never received chemotherapy. The apparent remissions:
2 children with neuroblastoma
6 patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
3 with Hodgkin's disease
5 with pancreatic cancer metastatic to the liver
5 with multiple myeloma
1 with carcinoid
4 with breast cancer metastatic to bone
4 with ovarian cancer
18 with non-small cell cancer of the lung
1 with small cell cancer of the lung
5 with prostate cancer (no prior hormone-blocking therapy)
(Although recently-diagnosed prostate cancer patients who have not received other therapies appear to do well on LDN, patients with prostate cancer who have already been treated with hormone-related therapies, including testosterone-blocking drugs and PC-Spes, have not responded to LDN.)
An overview of these results must assume the basic statistical principle that the patients with no follow-up contact have not done as well as those who have maintained continual medical contact with Dr. Bihari. Measured in terms of disease stabilization and/or movement toward remission, and assuming that patients in continual follow-up are twice as likely to have had a good outcome thus far, it appears that over one-half of all cancer patients whom Dr. Bihari has started on LDN have done well.
Taking into account the relatively large number of patients who were in advanced stages of disease when first seen by Dr. Bihari, and that some patients in the "not followed up" and "LDN < 6 mos" groups will likely have positive outcomes, it appears possible that more than 60% of patients with cancer may significantly benefit from LDN. This is underscored by Dr. Bihari's observation that better outcomes tend to be seen when treatment with LDN is begun in earlier stages of the disease. Of interest, there is a negligible rate of relapse in patients who are started on LDN after or during successful initial treatment with surgery (e.g., for breast cancer) or with chemotherapy (e.g., for Hodgkin's disease or non-Hodgkin's lymphoma).
It will clearly require extensive study of LDN in prospective, controlled clinical trials to determine which cancers respond best and which other therapies are complementary to or synergistic
Monday, June 22, 2009
Low Dose Naltexone and Cancer Part 3

Recent Developments
> As of March 2004
Since February 1999, Dr. Bihari has begun treatment of some 450 cancer patients with LDN. Since many of these patients, particularly those seen before October 2000, were seen only once in consultation with medical follow-up by their oncologists, Dr. Bihari is missing up-to-date follow-up data on 96 patients.
As of March 2004, of the remaining 354 patients, 84 have died, all but 4 of cancer-related causes. Most of these deaths have occurred in the first 8 to 12 weeks on LDN. For the most part, these were patients who were quite ill when first seen, and had exhausted all other treatment possibilities. Of the remaining 270 patients, 220 have been on LDN for six months or longer. Of these, 86 have shown significant movement toward remission, identified for this purpose as a reduction of at least 75% in tumor mass and tumor-related symptoms. Of the other 134 patients, 9 have continued to show tumor progression, whereas the other 125 have stabilized and/or are moving toward remission but do not yet meet the 75% reduction criterion.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Low Dose Naltexone and Cancer Part 2

Cancers that are reported by Dr. Bihari to apparently respond to LDN:
Bladder Cancer
Breast Cancer
Colon & Rectal Cancer
Liver Cancer
Lung Cancer (Non-Small Cell)
Lymphocytic Leukemia (chronic)
Lymphoma (Hodgkin's and Non-Hodgkin's) Malignant Melanoma
Multiple Myeloma
Ovarian Cancer
Pancreatic Cancer
Prostate Cancer (untreated)
Renal Cell Carcinoma
Throat Cancer
Uterine Cancer > What the Future Holds
If the results of trials of low dose naltrexone in certain cancers are positive, the drug could eventually become an additional mainstay of cancer treatment ? adjunctive with chemotherapy, radiation, and other cancer cell growth inhibitor receptor agonists ? or even a replacement for current therapies, as primary treatment for those cancers that show little response to standard therapies.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Low Dose Naltexone and Cancer Part 1

LDN and Cancer
In Brief Recent Developments Noteworthy Cases Background LDN Homepage
In Brief
Although prospective, controlled clinical trials on LDN in the treatment of cancer are yet to be accomplished, as of March 2004 clinical "off-label" use of this medication by Dr. Bihari in some 450 patients with cancer almost all of whom had failed to respond to standard treatments suggests that more than 60% of patients with cancer may significantly benefit from LDN.
Of the 354 patients with whom Dr. Bihari had regular follow-up, 86 have shown objective signs of significant tumor shrinkage, at least a 75% reduction. 125 patients have stabilized and/or are moving toward remission.
Dr. Bihari's results sharply contrast to prior usual cancer treatment outcomes: either a cancer-induced death or a total cure. LDN therapy presents a viable third alternative, the possible long-term stabilization and/or gradual reduction of tumor mass volume.
Thus, with LDN, cancer can — in some cases — become a manageable chronic disease. Patients have the possibility of living free of symptoms, without, in many cases, the crippling side-effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatment.
> How It Works
Low dose naltrexone might exert its effects on tumor growth through a mix of three possible mechanisms:
1.By inducing increases of metenkephalin (an endorphin produced in large amounts in the adrenal medulla) and beta endorphin in the blood stream;
2.By inducing an increase in the number and density of opiate receptors on the tumor cell membranes, thereby making them more responsive to the growth-inhibiting effects of the already-present levels of endorphins, which induce apoptosis (cell death) in the cancer cells; and
3.By increasing the natural killer (NK) cell numbers and NK cell activity and lymphocyte activated CD8 numbers, which are quite responsive to increased levels of endorphins.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Ellagic Acid Part3
Ellagic Acid Clinical Tests on cultured human cells also show that Ellagic acid prevents the destruction of the p53 gene by cancer cells. Additional studies suggest that one of the mechanisms by which Ellagic acid inhibits mutagenesis and carcinogenesis is by forming adducts with DNA, thus masking binding sites to be occupied by the mutagen or carcinogen. Ellagic acid can be found in different foods. The Hollings Clinic has identified the red raspberry for their studies."
Ellagic Acid is astounding cancer researchers worldwide with it's ability to apparently prevent many types of cancer cells from multiplying, thus causing the cancer to die. This compound is found in berries.
Experience the synergistic effects of five super fruits (mangosteen, acai, pomegranate, noni, goji) plus resveratrol. Loaded with antioxidants that support higher energy levels and a stronger immune system. Also includes proprietary fruit blend from raspberries, wild cherry, blueberry, elderberry and grapeseed extract.
Source: http://alternativecancer.us
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Ellagic Acid Part2
Ellagic acid has been found to help promote healthy brain function and mental clarity, healthy vision, cardiovascular health, healthy skin, urinary tract health, and healthy blood sugar levels.
Ellagic Acid, can nourish, balance, protect, and provide the body with the building blocks necessary for growth, repair, vitality, and longevity.
Ellagic Acid is found in red raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, walnuts, pecans, pomegranates, and cranberries. However, red raspberries have been found to have up to six times the amount of Ellagic Acid available compared to what is contained in other fruits and foods tested. Ellagic Acid is present in all parts of the raspberry, but it is most highly concentrated in the seed. It was also found that Ellagic Acid is not changed, nor its potency weakened, by freezing, drying, or processing into a powder."
Ellagic Acid Scientific Breakthrough!
Ellagic Acid may be one the most potent ways to fight Cancer. Ellagic Acid, a phenolic compound, inhibits the growth of cancer cells and arrests the growth in persons with a genetic predisposition for the disease.
Source: http://alternativecancer.us
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Ellagic Acid Part 1

"In May, 2005, scientists at Louisiana State University showed that black raspberries contain antiangiogenic compounds that are capable of restraining tumor growth. Antiangiogenic compounds work by inhibiting the formation of new blood vessels, without which tumors cannot expand. The Baton Rouge researchers discovered that berries contain a "highly potent antiangiogenic fraction that accounts for only one percent of the fresh weight of whole black raspberries." The scientists consider it natural and potent enough to use clinically as a "promising complementary cancer therapy" (Liu 2005). " ...Dr. Moss Reports
"The American Cancer Society's new book, The American Cancer Society's Guide to Complementary and Alternative Cancer Methods, states on page 316 that Ellagic Acid, alone among 212 substances and therapies discussed, has been proven to cause apoptosis (natural cell death) in cancer cells without harming healthy cells as chemotherapy does. The book states that Ellagic Acid has no side effects and no known drug interactions, that Ellagic Acid may be the most potent way to prevent cancer, inhibit the growth of cancer cells, strengthen the immune system, prevent heart disease, birth defects, liver fibrosis, promote wound healing, prevent the binding of carcinogens to DNA, strengthen connective tissue - which may keep cancer cells from spreading, and protect the gene from free-radical damage. (Gene exists in all cells, programs natural cell death and protects DNA. If this gene is mutated by free radical damage, apoptosis does not occur, cells replicate with mutated genes, and cancer is the logical result.)"
Information taken from: http://alternativecancer.us
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Protocel Part 3

Though Protocel is NOT a “magic bullet” that will cure everyone, there continue to be astounding recoveries – oftentimes in people who have been given no hope of cure from conventional medicine. Some of the fastest-responding types of cancer may be the childhood leukemias (especially the acute forms), cervical cancer, colon cancer, bladder cancer, basal cell skin cancers and aggressive astrocytoma brain tumors. But Protocel has also been known to bring about complete cures for breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, brain cancer, lymphomas, kidney cancer, liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, and melanoma, among others.
As described earlier, Protocel works by interfering with the cell respiration (energy production) of anaerobic cells. Cancer cells happen to be primarily anaerobic. But there are other types of anaerobic cells in the body as well that are not necessarily cancer cells. These are always damaged cells in one way or another and often are involved in conditions such as auto-immune disorders and viral infections. Thus, people have also had success using Protocel to recover from many different chronic illnesses such as arthritis, psoriasis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and viral conditions. Of these, the intestinal disorders and viral conditions tend to be the fastest responders, with multiple sclerosis and other auto-immune disorders taking longer.
There are two formulations of Protocel : Protocel Formula 50 and Protocel Formula 23. These are only slightly different variations of the same formula and either will work for most conditions. But the 50 is preferred by many people for certain diagnoses and the 23 is preferred for others. Since individuals may respond better to one or the other, having two versions allows people more control over their own recovery. Protocel Formula 50 is taken at about ¼ teaspoonful 4 times a day (spread out evenly around the clock) and the Formula 23 is taken at about ¼ teaspoonful 5 times a day (spread out evenly around the clock). For optimum results, never going more than 6 hours between any two doses is recommended. This means that people using Protocel for critical life-threatening situations will usually get up in the middle of the night to take a dose.
Because Protocel works in a different way than other approaches, by interfering with the cancer cell’s ability to produce energy for itself, supplements that raise cellular energy are to be avoided. This means that people using Protocel should avoid supplementation of vitamin C, vitamin E, coQ10, and selenium, among others. Taking these types of supplements can work against Protocel’s action.
Reference: http://outsmartyourcancer.com and http://cancertutor.com
Friday, April 24, 2009
Protocel Part 2

How It Works
"Sheridan [the biochemist developer] developed a chemical substance whose components combine to act synergistically to lower the voltage [i.e. energy] of the [cancer] cell structure of the body. In the case of malignant cells which are anaerobic, their voltage is already low. Sheridan's substance lowers its voltage further." Protocel works by blocking the production/energy of ATP, which in turn lowers the voltage of the cell, causing the cell to eventually self-destruct and literally break apart. The "pieces" of the dead cancer cell are called "lysing."
"Sheridan, the biochemist developer developed a chemical substance whose components combine to act synergistically to lower the voltage [i.e. energy] of the [cancer] cell structure of the body. In the case of malignant cells which are anaerobic, their voltage is already low. Sheridan's substance lowers its voltage further." Protocel works by blocking the production/energy of ATP, which in turn lowers the voltage of the cell, causing the cell to eventually self-destruct and literally break apart. The "pieces" of the dead cancer cell are called "lysing."
Friday, April 17, 2009
Protocel part 1

Protocel is a non-toxic liquid formula that thousands of people in the U.S. have used to successfully rid themselves of cancer. It was developed by an American chemist, Jim Sheridan, who first conceived of it in 1936. He spent the following fifty years improving the formula, studying its effects on mice with tumors.
Originally, Sheridan called his formula Entelev®, then a slightly modified version of it was named Cancell®. Since 1999, the formula has been produced as a dietary/nutritional supplement under the name of Protocel. The exact same formula is also currently being sold in Australia under the original Entelev® name.
Protocel was developed specifically as a cancer treatment and designed to target the anaerobic cell respiration of cancer cells. The principle that cancer cells are primarily anaerobic was proven by the Nobel Prize-wining biochemist Otto Warburg. Warburg was the first scientific expert to put forth the idea that cancer cells do NOT use oxygen in their main method of producing energy and claimed that this was the prime difference between cancer cells and normal healthy cells.
Jim Sheridan discovered a unique way to capitalize on this prime difference. He designed Protocel to interfere with the less efficient cell respiration of cancer cells to the point where the cancer cells could no longer produce enough energy for themselves to survive, thus allowing Protocel to target cancer cells while not harming the body’s normal health cells.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Spirulina vs AFA Part 6
The same price variations are true for blue-green algae. There are three main companies that harvest blue-green algae. The two companies that harvest directly from Upper Klamath lake offer AFA in bulk at a 50% savings. All three companies at this time claim to do regular algae toxicology testing as well as micro screening for daphnia, a small water flea. They all test for physical contaminants. There is no evidence at this time that any of the algae harvested by the three companies have any problems with algae toxins.
Whichever brand you choose, the blue-green algae are a significant life force on the earth. Algae were the first plants to use sunlight to perform photosynthesis and make their own food from the environment. For three and a half billion years, algae have transformed the planet into a life-support system for we complex multicellular organisms. Spirulina and AFA are an ancient and wonderful team of high life-force foods which have a powerful healing and rejuvenative effect on the human body, mind, and spirit.
Gabriel Cousens, M.D., is a holistic physician and author.
He is co-director of the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Patagonia, AZ.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Spirulina vs AFA part 5
Perhaps the greatest value of AFA is not in its nutrient concentration or even its high concentration of neuropeptide precursors, but in its amazing positive effect on the nervous system in general, and specifically on the pituitary, pineal, and hypothalamic structures. AFA is an elixir for the brain-mind complex. According to my clinical experience and auricular acupuncture research with another physician, AFA specifically enhances the hypothalamus, the pineal and pituitary glands. These master glands in the brain are associated with the higher subtle spiritual centers.
My first exposure to AFA came in 1982 after returning from a year in India where I had been taking spirulina on a daily basis. I took some AFA just before I starred an all-night dancing spiritual chant. I was astounded by how easy it was for me to stay focused, clear and blissful: I was one of two people out of hundreds who was able to dance through the whole night. Over the years, people taking AFA have consistently reported an overall increase in mental alertness, mental stamina, short and long-term memory, problem-solving ability, creativity, dream recall, enhancement of the visualization process, and a greater sense of well-being and centeredness. Some meditators feel that AFA helps enhance brain synchronization and helps them move more easily into the relaxation of the alpha state and therefore meditation. AFA seems to activate the mind-brain function in about 70-80 percent of those using it.
AFA may have antidepressive and other healing effects as well. I observed one person who had been chronically depressed for most of her life snap out of her depression one day after beginning treatment with the AFA. In another case, a four-year-old mute patient, who had been previously diagnosed as autistic, began to talk after one month on the AFA. These unique cases support my contention that AFA has some specific effect on brain energetics and function.
Because of these brain-enhancing qualities, I became interested in exploring the effect of AFA on Alzheimer's disease. In my preliminary research, which was published in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine in the 1985 Winter / Spring Issue, I reported positive effects in both of two closely followed clients. Each had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease at highly respected university medical centers.
One client was a 66-year-old woman with a seven-year history of Alzheimer's disease who, after six months, showed a partial reversal of her disease. Her response to the AFA seemed to level off after six months and no further improvement was noted. The second case involved a 64-year-old lawyer who had suffered with Alzheimer's for three years. He seemed to be going downhill rapidly. After one month on high doses of AFA his degenerative process seemed to be arrested and he remained in this stabilized condition for three more years -- until his wife discovered that spirulina was cheaper than AFA and began to give him spirulina instead. Once off the AFA his condition began to deteriorate. The degeneration was slowed down when she put him back on the AFA. This unintended experiment highlights the difference in effect between AFA and spirulina.
These two cases do not prove that AFA cures Alzheimer's disease, but suggest it may be possible to temporarily halt the progression of the disease, to partially reverse or even help prevent it. It would take a comprehensive study to make any definitive statements about its effect on Alzheimer's and, as of yet, no study has been done.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Spirulina vs AFA Part 4
AFA offers tremendous prana for the mind and nervous system, whereas spirulina is primarily a powerful prana to the entire body. AFA also has a healing effect on the body, but not nearly as powerful as that of spirulina. Spirulina has some effect on the mind and nervous system, but not nearly as strong as that of AFA.
Gram for gram, AFA is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet, a close second only to spirulina. Generally speaking their nutrient profiles are roughly similar. Both are full-spectrum nutrients. Spirulina, however, is significantly higher in GLA, phycotene, protein, and beta-carotenoid concentrations. Both have neuropeptide precursors, but AFA has much higher overall neuropeptide precursor concentrations.
Both have high human-active B-12 concentrations, but AFA has about seven times more B-12 per gram than spirulina. The AFA human-active B-12 amount in one gram equals the daily B-12 requirement for most people. I recommend about 1.5 to 2 teaspoons of AFA per day. Spirulina is the second most concentrated vegetarian B-12 source on the planet, 250 percent more than an equal weight of liver, and has 14 times the daily B-12 need in 100 gms. One tablespoon of spirulina (1 to 3 tablespoons is the average daily dose) will give you two-and-one-half times the daily human-active requirement of B-12. Taken together, spirulina and AFA provide many times the human daily requirement of B-12. No vegetarian need ever worry about not getting enough B-12 in their diet if they are taking either or both of these blue-green algae superfoods.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Spirulina vs AFA Part 3
AFA offers tremendous prana for the mind and nervous system, whereas spirulina is primarily a powerful prana to the entire body. AFA also has a healing effect on the body, but not nearly as powerful as that of spirulina. Spirulina has some effect on the mind and nervous system, but not nearly as strong as that of AFA.
Gram for gram, AFA is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet, a close second only to spirulina. Generally speaking their nutrient profiles are roughly similar. Both are full-spectrum nutrients. Spirulina, however, is significantly higher in GLA, phycotene, protein, and beta-carotenoid concentrations. Both have neuropeptide precursors, but AFA has much higher overall neuropeptide precursor concentrations.
Both have high human-active B-12 concentrations, but AFA has about seven times more B-12 per gram than spirulina. The AFA human-active B-12 amount in one gram equals the daily B-12 requirement for most people. I recommend about 1.5 to 2 teaspoons of AFA per day. Spirulina is the second most concentrated vegetarian B-12 source on the planet, 250 percent more than an equal weight of liver, and has 14 times the daily B-12 need in 100 gms. One tablespoon of spirulina (1 to 3 tablespoons is the average daily dose) will give you two-and-one-half times the daily human-active requirement of B-12. Taken together, spirulina and AFA provide many times the human daily requirement of B-12. No vegetarian need ever worry about not getting enough B-12 in their diet if they are taking either or both of these blue-green algae superfoods.
AFA is one of the few algae which are harvested in their natural state. I have visited Upper Klamath Lake several times and it is beautiful. One of the few remaining alkaline lakes on the planet, it has a very high mineral concentration due to volcanic ash deposited in the area 7000 years ago. The water contains 60 times the nutrients needed for the AFA to reach its full potential.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Spirulina vs AFA part 2

First & Finest Superfood
by Gabriel Cousens, M.D.
(Note: the following article appeared in Body Mind Spirit Magazine in May 1995, and has been reproduced in its entirety. We have added three tab pointers below for your convenience.)
1. Discussion of AFA in this article begins.
2. Reported Benefits of taking AFA.
3. Discussion of AFA and Alzheimer's disease - 2 case studies.
Blue-green algae have been around for three and a half billion years. They are primitive foods which contain the highest food energy highest nutrient values, and use up the least amount of the planet's resources. I have been using spirulina for nineteen years and the blue-green algae called Aphanizomenon Flos Aquae (AFA) for thirteen years. Because of this and my clinical experience with both of these wonderful algae, almost every time I give a lecture people tend to ask me about every aspect of them. This article is an opportunity to share my clinical experience as a physician as well as provide the consumer report-type information about these algae that so many people seem to be requesting. Collectively, algae supply 90 percent of the world's oxygen and potentially 80 percent of its food. Another advantage of the blue-green algae is their position at the bottom of the food chain. The higher up on the chain one eats, the higher the concentrations of herbicides, pesticides, and radioactivity. Flesh food, for example, has 14 times more herbicides and pesticides than fruits and vegetables.
People have understood the importance of blue-green algae as a food source for at least four thousand years; Chinese herbalists have been taking it to treat vitamin deficiency diseases for thousands of years. The Mayans and Aztecs regularly ate freshly harvested algae. The Kanembu natives living near Lake Johann in Chad in the deep African Sahara are still making and eating algae cakes. In the last 30 years people in the United States have begun to explore the use of the blue-green algaes as a high nutrient food,
The two main classes of blue-green algae; that have drawn my attention are spirulina and AFA, the blue-green algae grown in Upper Klamath Lake in Oregon. I was first introduced to spirulina when I was working as a holistic physician with many people, including my family, who were spending long periods of time in India. Those on prolonged stays who took one tablespoon per day of spirulina were physically healthier than those who did not take
Friday, March 20, 2009
Spirulina vs AFA part 1

Spirulina is a blue-green algae that existed on the planet earth some 3.5 billion years ago, its a phyto-plankton that is grown on alkaline or deep oceanic water and grows under tropical sunlight. Spirulina is rich in nutrients and is most promising source of vegetable nutrition. It has been the staple food in some cultures for centuries It has been the favorite subject of discussion in various conferences such as International conference on applied Microbiology in 1967 where the chairman of the conference, Prof. Heyden of sweden said that spirulina having high protein content must be an important food source in the future. Chemical analysis reveals that spirulina contains 60% - 70% all vegetable protein, a higher percentage than any other natural food, it contains amino acids, vitamins and minirals , beta carotine, iron, and surprisingly vitamin B12 which could not be found in any vegetables, the rare Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) and chlorophyll.
I am a witness to the richness of this "mana from heaven", The tiny compressed tablet (some preparation are in powder and capsule form) that I use to give to my youngest daughter. We were able to break the cycle of her bi-monthly hospitalization. There are numerous testimonies from anxious mothers saving their children from various diseases.
To be continued....
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
The True Function of Cholesterol in the Body
Dispel the Myths: The True Function of Cholesterol in the Body
Monday, March 16, 2009 by: Elizabeth Walling, citizen journalist
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Key concepts: Health, Hormones and Nervous system
NaturalNews) If you've been religiously counting cholesterol grams in an attempt to eliminate it from your diet, you may be startled to hear the main function of cholesterol in the body is not to clog your arteries. The media has propagated cholesterol as a vile substance akin to trans fat, but in reality, it's not so simple. Cholesterol is not all bad - in fact, it has important functions in a variety of vital processes in your body.
First it should be noted that cholesterol is not a type of fat; it is a high-molecular- weight alcohol made in the liver and other cells in the body. It is not water-soluble and cannot actually be transported freely in the blood. Instead, it is carried in lipoprotein throughout the body so it performs essential duties.
Here are just some of the many tasks cholesterol accomplishes in your body each day:
- Cholesterol is a crucial building material in the body. It helps maintain the structure of cells and vessels, improving overall health and function in the body.
- Cholesterol is a precursor to important sex hormones like testosterone, estrogen, androgen and progesterone. It is also a precursor to corticosteroids, hormones whose primary function is to protect the body against stress and disease. This includes the crucial hormones, cortisol and DHEA.
- Used as an insulator around nerves, cholesterol promotes healthynervous system function and helps to prevent diseases associated with the nervous system. It is absolutely essential for brain function.
- Since bile salts are made from cholesterol, adequate cholesterol is needed for proper digestion. In addition, cholesterol aids the digestive system by strengthening the intestinal walls.
- Cholesterol is a precursor to vitamin D, an important nutrient which supports a healthy immune and nervous system, reproduction, insulin production and the metabolism of minerals. Recently the suggested daily allowance for vitamin D has been significantly raised in light of how important it is for good health.
- Serotonin receptors in the brain require cholesterol in order to function properly. Serotonin is an important neurotransmitter that promotes a natural feeling of well-being. Low levels of serotonin are linked to depression, violence and suicide.
Understanding this information can help to clear up the fog surrounding the truth about cholesterol' s function in the body. Cholesterol itself is not a substance that should be feared as one would fear the bubonic plague. It is a naturally occurring alcohol, manufactured by the body for very specific and necessary reasons. Without it, our quality of life would be severely reduced and our health would ultimately fail.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Vitamin C part 4

Im doing a very extensive reviews on Vitamin C because of the great wonders it provides those who needed it. Their are more people who had lots to tell about Vit C but just to share with you the last but not the least amongst vit c proponents I give you Irwin Stone who wrote a wide range of discussions in his online book on the subject matter. please visit this site: http://www.vitamincfoundation.org/stone/
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Vitamin C Part 3

My knowledge on vitamin C has been broaden by the influence of Adelle Davis, Dr. Klenner and Linus Pauling. To discuss further, I could not help but present a very well known proponent of my favorite vitamin, ....An American scientist, peace activist, author, educator, most influential chemist, among the first scientist to work in the fields of quantum chemistry, molecular biology & orthomolecular medicine....Linus Carl Pauling (Feb 28, 1901-August 19, 1994).
The article below was taken from http://www.lbl.gov/science-Articles/Archive/pauling-and-Vitamin-c.html:
Linus Pauling lectures on Vitamin C and Heart Disease
August 13, 1993
By Michael Wooldridge, MAWooldridge@lbl.gov
One of the great scientific mavericks of this century spoke at LBL August 10, 1993 at a special seminar hosted by the Life Sciences Division's Lipoprotein and Atherosclerosis Group. Linus Pauling, two-time Nobel laureate and the world's foremost vitamin C proponent, entertained an overflow crowd in the Bldg. 66 auditorium with a talk on Vitamin C and Heart Disease.
The lively 92-year-old first gave a candid history of how he came to take up the vitamin C cause. He was introduced to the subject by biochemist Irwin Stone in 1966. Five years later, he would pen "Vitamin C and the Common Cold," and then boldly go on to champion vitamin C as a fighter of more serious diseases such as cancer.
According to Pauling, the vitamin's versatility in illness prevention arises from its role in the manufacture of collagen, the protein that gives shape to connective tissues and strength to skin and blood vessels.
One of the great misfortunes of human evolution, Pauling explained, was when our human ancestors lost their ability to manufacture vitamin C. Pauling thinks the trait was probably discarded at a time when our ancestors had a diet of vitamin-rich plants and didn't need to produce the vitamin themselves. This left today's primates (including humans) as one of the few groups of animals that must get the vitamin through the diet.
Ever since proto-humans moved out of fruit-and-vegetable-rich habitats, Pauling said, they have suffered great deficiencies of vitamin C. Pauling has forthrightly recommended that people make up for this deficiency with daily doses of vitamin C much greater than the 60 mg generally recommended.
He said our vitamin C consumption should be on par with what other animals produce by themselves, typically 10-12 grams a day. Pauling practices what he preaches, having gradually upped his daily doses of vitamin C from 3 grams in the 1960s to a hefty 18 grams today.
Pauling went on to discuss vitamin C's connection with lipoprotein-a, a substance whose levels in the blood have been linked to cardiovascular disease. Lipoprotein-a is also a major component of the plaques found in the blood vessels of atherosclerosis patients.
Pauling has published studies asserting that lipoprotein-a is a surrogate for vitamin C, serving to strengthen blood vessel walls in the absence of adequate amounts of the vitamin in the diet
To be continued..
Monday, March 9, 2009
Vitamin C Part 2
Dr. Klenner have used mega dose of Vitamin C in the past 30 years to over 10,000 people but find no ill effect.... Just to share some of the powerful testimonies, I gathered informations from different sources to witness the miracle vitamin that have saves so many lives.
Ascorbic acid is a powerful oxidizer and when given in massive amounts; that is, 50 grams to 150 grams, intravenously, for certain pathological conditions, and "run in" as fast as 20 Gauge needle will allow, it acts as a "Flash Oxidizer," often correcting the pathology within minutes.
The inability of man to manufacture his own ascorbic acid, due to genetic fault, has been called "hypoascorbemia" by Irwin Stone. The physiological requirements in man are no different from other mammals capable of carrying out this synthesis.
Klenner administered ascorbate by injection, and, as Lendon H. Smith describes in great detail in the Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C: The Clinical Experiences of Frederick R. Klenner, M.D., Klenner found that “the most effective route was intravenous, but the intramuscular route was satisfactory. He gave at least 350 mg per kilogram of body weight.” That quantity per day is a dose of 25,000-30,000 mg or so for an adult. Yet, Smith adds, “With 350 mg per kilogram of body weight every two hours, he could stop measles and dry up chicken pox.”
In 1951, “In an especially incredible case,” Levy says, “Klenner described a five-year-old girl stricken with polio. This child had already been paralyzed in both her lower legs for over four days! The right leg was completely limp, and the left leg was determined to be 85% flaccid. Pain was noticed especially in the knee and lumbar areas. Four consulting physicians confirmed the diagnosis of polio. Other than massage, vitamin C was the only therapy initiated. After four days of vitamin C injections the child was again moving both legs, but with only very slow and deliberate movement. Klenner also noted that there was a “definite response” after only the first injection of vitamin C. The child was discharged from the hospital after four days, and 1,000 mg of oral vitamin C was continued every two hours with fruit juice for seven days. The child was walking about, although slowly, on the 11th day of treatment. By the 19th day of treatment there was a “complete return of sensory and motor function, and no long-term impairment ever resulted. Vitamin C not only completely cured this case of polio, it completely reversed what would undoubtedly have been a devastating, crippling result for the remainder of this girl’s life.
Dr. Klenner remembers using (ascorbate) for a man, who was lying near death from severe virus pneumonia, but refused to be hospitalized. I went to his house and gave him one big shot with five grams or 5,000 milligrams of vitamin C, he recalled. When I went back later in the day, his temperature was down three degrees and he was sitting on the edge of the bed eating. I gave him another shot of C, 5,000 milligrams and kept up that dosage for three days, four times a day. And he was well.
Klenner used vitamin C, often accompanied with high doses of other nutrients, to fight a striking variety of other illnesses. Smith itemizes a list that includes Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, bladder infections, alcoholism, arthritis, leukemia, atherosclerosis, ruptured intervertebral discs, high cholesterol, corneal ulcer, diabetes, glaucoma, burns and secondary infections, heat stroke, radiation burns, heavy metal poisoning, chronic fatigue, and complications resulting from surgery. Additionally, Klenner also reported mega nutrient cures of tetanus, trichinosis, venomous bites from spiders or snakes, and, perhaps most controversially, multiple sclerosis.
Linus Pauling said, “The early papers by Dr. Fred R. Klenner provide much information about the use of large doses of vitamin C in preventing and treating many diseases. These papers are still important.
Klenner is justly remembered as the doctor who was first to boldly assert that Ascorbic acid is the safest and most valuable substance available to the physician and that patients should be given large doses of vitamin C in all pathological conditions while the physician ponders the diagnosis.
“I have used Dr. Klenner’s methods on hundreds of patients,” said Lendon H. Smith. “He is right.”
source: http://www.doctoryourself.com/klennerbio.html
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is one of my most treasured supplements. A friend who is suffering from severe nose bleed in our childhood was advised to take 500 mg of Vitamin C per day by his doctor. He would sometimes make us taste his “medicine” convincing us it taste like candy. We loved it so much. That memory helped me to deal with my own children having nose bleedings. I consulted a doctor regarding nose bleeding, she told us it’s sometimes normal for young kids since the veins in their nostril are quite sensitive and told us not to worry so much.

Adelle Davis, the world famous nutritionist gave me more enlightenment on the supplement from her book entitled “Let’s Eat Right to keep fit” she said, my first personal experience with massive doses of vitamin C came when my son, then five years old had a mumps one morning when we awoke. The evidence was unmistakable. Starting at 7AM., I gave him 1000mg of melted vitamin C directly from the spoon every hour except when he slept. Making a total of 10,000 mg during the day. By the evening, all swelling was gone, and there was no further sign of illness.
It was from this book that I experimented taking large doses of Vitamin C and almost totally stopped taking antibiotics.
It was in this same book that I discovered Dr. Frederick Klenner M.D., F.C.C.P, a native of

Dr Klenner told of an 18 months old girl suffering from polio. The mother reported that the child had become paralyzed following a convulsion, after which she soon lost consciousness. When Dr Klenner first saw the child, her little body was blue, stiff and cold to the touch; he could neither hear heart sounds nor feel her pulse; her rectal temperature was 100 F. The only sign of life he could detect was a suggestion of moisture condensed on a mirror held on her mouth. The mother was convinced that the child was already dead. Dr. Klenner injected 6,000 mg of vitamin C into her blood; 4 hours later the child was cheerful and alert, holding a bottle with her right hand, though her left side was paralyzed. A second injection was given; soon the child was laughing and could hold her bottle with both hands all signs of paralysis gone. Dr. Klenner quite understandably speaks of vitamin C as the anti biotic par excellence.
With his extremely Ill patients Dr. Klenner found that no vitamin C whatsoever could be detected in the blood only few minutes after massive doses were injected nor was any vitamin C found in the urine. It is his belief that this vitamin combines immediately with toxins and/or virus, thus causing the fever to drop.
To be continued…
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Graviola and Pawpaw
How It Works
These products come from trees in the tropical areas of South and North America. They kill cancer cells as a minimum, but may have other affects on cancer. Paw Paw is known to work by blocking ATP production and thus reduce the voltage of the cancer cell to the point it falls apart (apoptosis or programmed cell death). Because Paw Paw and graviola are cousins, I assume that is also the way graviola works. They are also known to build the immunity system.
Graviola Tree and Paw Paw Tree
This is one of those treatments for cancer that is fairly new, meaning it has only recently found its way onto the internet. Nevertheless, there have been a lot of scientific studies on these two products. At the current time most of the articles for Graviola and cancer come from a single source - the Health Sciences Institute ), though there are a growing number of independent articles.
Paw Paw is actually stronger than graviola at treating cancer. Paw Paw is the more potent of the two because of its more sophisticated and larger molecular structures. Graviola is sometimes called "Brazilian Paw Paw," which can cause some confusion.
Paw Paw is clearly more powerful than graviola when treating cancer, if the quality of the processing is comparable. However, I would take freshly cut graviola over bottled Paw Paw (but American's can't get freshly cut graviola). Graviola only has single ring compounds, while the Paw Paw's acetogenins have several double ring compounds (e.g. bullatacin) which makes Paw Paw much more powerful.
Paw Paw works (and I assume graviola as well) by slowing down or stopping the production of ATP. This in turn lowers the voltage of the cell. For normal cells, there is plenty of ATP, thus lowering the level of ATP has no effect on the cell. However, with cancer cells, due to the way they create energy (by fermentation), ATP is far more critical.
When the ATP level, and the energy of the cell level, drops to a critical level the cell falls apart. The residual pieces of the dead cancer cell are called "lysing" and I assume are similiar to other apoptosis (programmed cell death) killed cells. If that is the case, then part of the lysing is literally "eaten" by other cells (called: phagocytosed).
However, because the cancer cells in a cancer patient are frequently clusted together, a large amount of lysing can be created within a cancer patient such that high levels of clustered lysing cannot be eaten by surrounding cells. Such a situation is especially dangerous for lung cancer patients and brain cancer patients where a clustered amount of lysing can be very dangerous.
Here is some technical information on graviola:
"The Annonaceous acetogenins discovered in graviola thus far include: annocatalin, annohexocin, annomonicin, annomontacin, annomuricatin A & B, annomuricin A thru E, annomutacin, annonacin, annonacinone, annopentocin A thru C, cis-annonacin, cis-corossolone, cohibin A thru D, corepoxylone, coronin, corossolin, corossolone, donhexocin, epomuricenin A & B, gigantetrocin, gigantetrocin A & B, gigantetrocinone, gigantetronenin, goniothalamicin, iso-annonacin, javoricin, montanacin, montecristin, muracin A thru G, muricapentocin, muricatalicin, muricatalin, muri-catenol, muricatetrocin A & B muricatin D, muricatocin A thru C muricin H, muricin I, muricoreacin, murihexocin 3, murihexocin A thru C, murihexol, murisolin, robustocin, rolliniastatin 1 & 2, saba-delin, solamin, uvariamicin I & IV, xylomaticin.
Graviola, like its cousin Paw Paw, is known to greatly enhace the effectiveness of another alternative cancer treatment - Protocel. However, generally it is recommended that Protocel not be taken with graviola or Paw Paw. There are exceptions.
Because of the similarity of Paw Paw and graviola to Protocel, there is no doubt in my mind that in order to maximize the effectiveness of these products, they should be taken in exactly the same way as Protocel. In other words, every 6 hours, EXACTLY - 24 hours a day.
Paw Paw has been shown to kill multiple-drug resistant (MDR) cells, which result from someone taking chemotherapy. This is critical to understand because when a person on orthodox treatments comes out of remission into regression, a high percentage of their cancer cells are MDR cells. This would REQUIRE the use of Paw Paw to treat these patients.
Paw Paw is not toxic according to studies with beagles (dogs). It appears to be impossible to 'overdose', 32 capsules 4x/day were non toxic because it caused vomiting.
Paw Paw gravitates towards cells that use a lot of energy and then cuts off their energy supply. Since cancer cells use 10-17 times as much energy as a normal cell, Paw Paw acts on cancer cells. It is the same mechanism that made it so useful as a parasite cleanse and to kill hair lice.
It is also the reason that pregnant women should not take Paw Paw. Paw Paw could see some of the fast growing cells in the fetus as high energy cells. In addition, some of the cells in a fetus are very similar to cancer cells (i.e. the "trophoblastic" cells), so pregnant women should ALWAYS be careful what they take for cancer.
If no cancer, parasite, or other high energy users are available, Paw Paw may gravitate towards fast growing cells lining the digestive and intestinal system walls. This is why the main manufacturer, Nature's Sunshine, strongly cautions against long term use for non-cancer patients. Some people with cancer have reported digestion distress such as nausea. For this reason it is recommended to take Paw Paw with food.
Warnings For Both Products
In the past, it was thought that the effectiveness of Paw Paw, like Protocel, was damaged by taking antioxidants with Paw Paw. However, new research has shown that this is not the case.
"The head of NSP research, Dr. Bill Keller, provided Paw Paw with supporting products to a research oncologist and his laboratory to test with actual cultures. Several of Nature's Sunshine strong antioxidants were also provided. The research personnel concluded overwhelmingly that there was no negative prevention of Paw Paw action as a result of the antioxidants."
No one with Parkinsons Disease should take Paw Paw or graviola unless alkaloid-free preparations are used. There is also a possibility of allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.
Supercharging This Treatment
Paw Paw is generally considered stronger than graviola. This does not mean that graviola should not be used. Cat's Claw and Ellagic Acid seem to be items that people like to combine with Graviola. However, if you take Cat's Claw make sure you take a product like Samento, which is a TOA-free Cat's Claw.
The information above is from http://cancertutor.com by R. Webster Kher.