"In May, 2005, scientists at Louisiana State University showed that black raspberries contain antiangiogenic compounds that are capable of restraining tumor growth. Antiangiogenic compounds work by inhibiting the formation of new blood vessels, without which tumors cannot expand. The Baton Rouge researchers discovered that berries contain a "highly potent antiangiogenic fraction that accounts for only one percent of the fresh weight of whole black raspberries." The scientists consider it natural and potent enough to use clinically as a "promising complementary cancer therapy" (Liu 2005). " ...Dr. Moss Reports
"The American Cancer Society's new book, The American Cancer Society's Guide to Complementary and Alternative Cancer Methods, states on page 316 that Ellagic Acid, alone among 212 substances and therapies discussed, has been proven to cause apoptosis (natural cell death) in cancer cells without harming healthy cells as chemotherapy does. The book states that Ellagic Acid has no side effects and no known drug interactions, that Ellagic Acid may be the most potent way to prevent cancer, inhibit the growth of cancer cells, strengthen the immune system, prevent heart disease, birth defects, liver fibrosis, promote wound healing, prevent the binding of carcinogens to DNA, strengthen connective tissue - which may keep cancer cells from spreading, and protect the gene from free-radical damage. (Gene exists in all cells, programs natural cell death and protects DNA. If this gene is mutated by free radical damage, apoptosis does not occur, cells replicate with mutated genes, and cancer is the logical result.)"
Information taken from: http://alternativecancer.us
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