Spirulina is a blue-green algae that existed on the planet earth some 3.5 billion years ago, its a phyto-plankton that is grown on alkaline or deep oceanic water and grows under tropical sunlight. Spirulina is rich in nutrients and is most promising source of vegetable nutrition. It has been the staple food in some cultures for centuries It has been the favorite subject of discussion in various conferences such as International conference on applied Microbiology in 1967 where the chairman of the conference, Prof. Heyden of sweden said that spirulina having high protein content must be an important food source in the future. Chemical analysis reveals that spirulina contains 60% - 70% all vegetable protein, a higher percentage than any other natural food, it contains amino acids, vitamins and minirals , beta carotine, iron, and surprisingly vitamin B12 which could not be found in any vegetables, the rare Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) and chlorophyll.
I am a witness to the richness of this "mana from heaven", The tiny compressed tablet (some preparation are in powder and capsule form) that I use to give to my youngest daughter. We were able to break the cycle of her bi-monthly hospitalization. There are numerous testimonies from anxious mothers saving their children from various diseases.
To be continued....
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