In 1997, the Philippines was blessed with the passage into law of the traditional & Alternative Medicine Act of 1997, which established natural healing as legal of medicine side by side with pharmaceutical drug-based medicine. The preamble of the law says it is the policy of the state to accelerate the development of traditional and alternative health care and to integrate it into the national health care delivery system. This law was passed because 70% of our people do not get adequate health care for three reasons : 1)We don't have enough doctors and the supply is dwindling because we are losing doctors to the US and to the nursing profession, 2)most doctors prefers to practice in urban areas, and 3) Drugs, medical procedures and hospitalizations are priced way above what people can afford.
The message I would like to send out to my country men is that natural healing with food and food supplement heals faster and better than synthetic drugs, with out thye side effect of synthetic drugs.
I'd like to tell them how raw pork pancreas and raw beef liver with coffee enemas and food supplement that clear up the arteries of blockage, clear up the blood of toxins and a 100 % raw food diet (which I call Adam & Eve Diet) have cured terminal cancer patients of leukemia, brain cancer liver cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, prostrate cancer in 2 to 7 months. How a scan by an oncologist in a top rated hospital found a pancreatic cancer patient's 7.8 cm tumor shrinking to 4 cm . in just 1.5 months with raw pork pancreas and liver. And how the oncologist told the patient to continue taking the pancreas and liver and she won't need any chemo anymore. I'd like to tell them how the cost the cost of this natural treatment for cancer has ranged from P2,000 to P25,000 a month ($40 to $500).
To be continued...
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