Vitamin C is one of my most treasured supplements. A friend who is suffering from severe nose bleed in our childhood was advised to take 500 mg of Vitamin C per day by his doctor. He would sometimes make us taste his “medicine” convincing us it taste like candy. We loved it so much. That memory helped me to deal with my own children having nose bleedings. I consulted a doctor regarding nose bleeding, she told us it’s sometimes normal for young kids since the veins in their nostril are quite sensitive and told us not to worry so much.

Adelle Davis, the world famous nutritionist gave me more enlightenment on the supplement from her book entitled “Let’s Eat Right to keep fit” she said, my first personal experience with massive doses of vitamin C came when my son, then five years old had a mumps one morning when we awoke. The evidence was unmistakable. Starting at 7AM., I gave him 1000mg of melted vitamin C directly from the spoon every hour except when he slept. Making a total of 10,000 mg during the day. By the evening, all swelling was gone, and there was no further sign of illness.
It was from this book that I experimented taking large doses of Vitamin C and almost totally stopped taking antibiotics.
It was in this same book that I discovered Dr. Frederick Klenner M.D., F.C.C.P, a native of

Dr Klenner told of an 18 months old girl suffering from polio. The mother reported that the child had become paralyzed following a convulsion, after which she soon lost consciousness. When Dr Klenner first saw the child, her little body was blue, stiff and cold to the touch; he could neither hear heart sounds nor feel her pulse; her rectal temperature was 100 F. The only sign of life he could detect was a suggestion of moisture condensed on a mirror held on her mouth. The mother was convinced that the child was already dead. Dr. Klenner injected 6,000 mg of vitamin C into her blood; 4 hours later the child was cheerful and alert, holding a bottle with her right hand, though her left side was paralyzed. A second injection was given; soon the child was laughing and could hold her bottle with both hands all signs of paralysis gone. Dr. Klenner quite understandably speaks of vitamin C as the anti biotic par excellence.
With his extremely Ill patients Dr. Klenner found that no vitamin C whatsoever could be detected in the blood only few minutes after massive doses were injected nor was any vitamin C found in the urine. It is his belief that this vitamin combines immediately with toxins and/or virus, thus causing the fever to drop.
To be continued…
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