Weakened By Drugs
The facts are I nearly died of a severe heart attack in January 2008. Being "fit" was the main reason I survived. Also, as I say, I'd always taken vitamins daily. Far more than the RDA's but much less than I actually needed.I'd been doing aikido three days a week, doing weights, and jogging for months. Getting to hospital quickly via ambulance was the other vital factor in my survival. In Emergency, a cardiologist "saved" me by unblocking an artery and inserting a "stent" - but then nearly killed me by causing a heamorrhage. Luckily I also survived that. Then a week in hospital away from my vitamin supply - replaced by the standard drugs prescribed for heart disease - left me weak as a kitten.
Linus Pauling's Protocol
My actual recovery began the day I left hospital and began implementing the vitamin protocol in Linus Pauling's How To Live Longer And Feel Better. As I say, I already knew about Pauling's "cure" but was unable to begin it while still in hospital. The drugs and surgery culture is of course at its strongest in hospitals.
Saying "No" To Drugs
The day I was discharged from hospital I put the bag of "medications" to one side in favour of vitamins. It was not an easy decision. I needed to get Toni's agreement. Because if I (and Linus Pauling) was wrong - and the entire medical establishment was right - then I would die. leaving her alone after a wonderful fourteen year relationship.
We agreed to put off taking any medications that night. Instead I began taking high doses of Vitamin C and L-Lysine. It wasn't easy to stop the drugs! I was still very weak and the hospital brainwashing had been very strong, especially In my weakened post operative condition. In hospital I'd had to take the drugs, and prior to discharge I'd been carefully indoctrinated into how much of which and when of the six drugs I was supposed to take daily for the rest of my life! The attitude was this was the only possible way to survive now.
Say, This Really Works!
That first day home I could barely crawl upstairs to the bathroom, and it left me gasping for breath and my heart pounding in protest. Night times were rough. I'd wake up and know that I needed more C, so I started keeping a big bottle in the bathroom. After a few days I found my optimum level of C (just below bowel tolerance). I could feel my strength and confidence returning almost hourly.
One week later I was almost jogging upstairs and thinking about getting back into bodybuilding and weights. All I had done was replace the medications with high doses of vitamins, following the advice of Dr Linus Pauling in his fantastic book -How To Live Longer And Feel Better!
The Stress Test
About three weeks later I received a letter from the cardiology unit asking me to come in for a "stress test". After reading about stress tests on the internet I decided I was not "ready" for one yet. I ignored the letter and upped my recovery routine - longer walks every day, lifting heavier weights. When I received another letter a few weeks later I felt "ready". The day before the stress test I was running up steps two at a time during long, fast daily walks. I was up to about 18 grams of Vitamin C daily and feeling great.
I was easily able to pass the stress test when I was called back to the cardiology unit. That's when they discovered I hadn't taken any of their medication and the cardiologist abused me. Ten months later, I'm back into bodybuilding with heavy weights, alternated with fairly intensive qigong (chi kung) workouts, I walk for hours with no problem, run up steps, Thanks to Linus Pauling I have regained my health, strength and fitness.
40% Chance of Sudden Death
Following the stress test was an interview. I had a folder of information I'd printed out from various websites regarding the Pauling protocol. When the interviewing nurse told the cardiologist (the cardiologist who had performed my heart surgery) he was very angry when he found out I had not taken any of his drugs. He tried scare tactics, but I had expected that. Toni was with me as he sat on the edge of the desk. His actual words were You have a 40% chance of sudden death in the next twelve months! Well, I guess I showed him! If I died tomorrow he'd still be wrong because that would still be months later than his prediction.
Cause For Celebration
This webpage then, is also a celebration of my living beyond that twelve month mark - thanks to Linus Pauling's How To Live Longer And Feel Better.
This book saved my life...
How to Live Longer And Feel Better
Price: $12.33
List Price: $19.95
How to Live Longer and Feel Better [HT LIVE LONGER & FEEL BETT]
Price: $22.95
The Late Nobel Laureate Dr. Linus Pauling (at age 93). This information could save your life. It saved mine.
LEARN From Linus Pauling (Above) Or THIS Is What's In Store For You - If You Survive YOUR Heart Attack...
Linus Pauling Said...
I believe that you can, by taking some simple and inexpensive measures, lead a longer life and extend your years of well-being. My most important recommendation is that you take vitamins every day in optimum amounts to supplement the vitamins that you receive in your food. Those optimum amounts are much larger than the minimum supplemental intake usually recommended by physicians and old-fashioned nutrionists.
(Dr Linus Pauling - How to Live Longer And Feel Better)
14 months after my heart surgery, in addition to our weights and aikido workouts, I have returned to jogging once a week. When I began, we hadn't run for 3 months but I found that three sets of "running man" before the weight training keeps me fit enough to go for a run.
We jog to the local cemetary then sprint 100 metres up a hill there, then jog back, takes about half-an-hour.I got Toni to take that video of me doing "running man" and the pullups. I did the pullups twice because the first set of 5 pullups took too long, making a 7 meg movie. You can see our home gym in the background.The point is I have health, strength and fitness.
I share this with the world not to brag, but to make my point, thatcardiovascular disease can be prevented or reversed following the recommendations of Linus Pauling in his book, How To Live Longer And Feel Better. If, like me, you have survived a heart attack then you need to ensure you never suffer another one. You need to research this information on the net and/or get a copy of Linus Pauling's book. If you have not yet had a heart attack then it's just a matter of time before you do. That's not my opinion. That's statistics.
My opinion, and deep-seated belief, is the same as Linus Pauling's. That cardiovascular disease is completely reversible and completely avoidable with optimum nutrition as outlined in his book. I continue to defy my GP and the cardiologist by not taking any medications. To this day I won't even take an aspirin. I welcome any comments below!
Almost 2 years after my heart attack it's easy to run up steps two at a time...
Cured of heart disease - aged 58 - this is fun!
Recommended By Charles
The Joy Of Atkins
When I started Atkins the more I ate, the more weight I lost...
How I Cured My Heart Disease
My original website - prior to discovering hugpages.
Questions For Your Cardiologist, etc.
My cardiologist got serious with me when he discovered I hadn't taken any of his drugs. I had just passed his stress test (easily) and when I raised some of these questions he became very angry and formally "disowned" me.
Save The Gorillas (More about Vit C)
I saw a "special" recently where the well-meaning zoo staff fed a sick gorilla its "favourite food" - peanut butter. It killed Elvis - remember? Please read this report and spread the word - not peanut butter.