Thursday, September 2, 2010

How to reverse Cardiovascular Disease 3

A cardiologist was on standby at the hospital and I was rushed into surgery. He quickly got a tube into my right arm (I refused to have it in my groin) and soon located and unblocked and inserted a stent into the artery, bringing much relief from the pain but then I began choking on blood that seemed to be coming from my lungs. He said I needed "more work" (meaning more stents inserted at approx $3,000 each) but was forced to stop because I was choking.

The only reason I didn't choke to death was because I was able to take a quick breath in between each swallow of blood. The cardiologist said the blood must be coming from an ulcer affected by the aspirin given to me in the ambulance. I still suspect it was coming from my lungs. Anyway, luckily the blood stopped after a few minutes.It tasted foul.

Soon after surgery I said I was going to be sick and vomited up maybe a gallon of putrid, black blood. That caused enormous relief to me but horrified my partner and parents when they arrived to see if I was okay. By now the morphine had kicked in and I was feeling wonderful and started babbling about how we should visit everyone in hospital to share the love.

To be continued..

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