Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spirulina vs AFA part 2

First & Finest Superfood

by Gabriel Cousens, M.D.
(Note: the following article appeared in Body Mind Spirit Magazine in May 1995, and has been reproduced in its entirety. We have added three tab pointers below for your convenience.)
1. Discussion of AFA in this article begins.
2. Reported Benefits of taking AFA.
3. Discussion of AFA and Alzheimer's disease - 2 case studies.
Blue-green algae have been around for three and a half billion years. They are primitive foods which contain the highest food energy highest nutrient values, and use up the least amount of the planet's resources. I have been using spirulina for nineteen years and the blue-green algae called Aphanizomenon Flos Aquae (AFA) for thirteen years. Because of this and my clinical experience with both of these wonderful algae, almost every time I give a lecture people tend to ask me about every aspect of them. This article is an opportunity to share my clinical experience as a physician as well as provide the consumer report-type information about these algae that so many people seem to be requesting. Collectively, algae supply 90 percent of the world's oxygen and potentially 80 percent of its food. Another advantage of the blue-green algae is their position at the bottom of the food chain. The higher up on the chain one eats, the higher the concentrations of herbicides, pesticides, and radioactivity. Flesh food, for example, has 14 times more herbicides and pesticides than fruits and vegetables.
People have understood the importance of blue-green algae as a food source for at least four thousand years; Chinese herbalists have been taking it to treat vitamin deficiency diseases for thousands of years. The Mayans and Aztecs regularly ate freshly harvested algae. The Kanembu natives living near Lake Johann in Chad in the deep African Sahara are still making and eating algae cakes. In the last 30 years people in the United States have begun to explore the use of the blue-green algaes as a high nutrient food,
The two main classes of blue-green algae; that have drawn my attention are spirulina and AFA, the blue-green algae grown in Upper Klamath Lake in Oregon. I was first introduced to spirulina when I was working as a holistic physician with many people, including my family, who were spending long periods of time in India. Those on prolonged stays who took one tablespoon per day of spirulina were physically healthier than those who did not take

Friday, March 20, 2009

Spirulina vs AFA part 1

Spirulina is a blue-green algae that existed on the planet earth some 3.5 billion years ago, its a phyto-plankton that is grown on alkaline or deep oceanic water and grows under tropical sunlight. Spirulina is rich in nutrients and is most promising source of vegetable nutrition. It has been the staple food in some cultures for centuries It has been the favorite subject of discussion in various conferences such as International conference on applied Microbiology in 1967 where the chairman of the conference, Prof. Heyden of sweden said that spirulina having high protein content must be an important food source in the future. Chemical analysis reveals that spirulina contains 60% - 70% all vegetable protein, a higher percentage than any other natural food, it contains amino acids, vitamins and minirals , beta carotine, iron, and surprisingly vitamin B12 which could not be found in any vegetables, the rare Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) and chlorophyll.

I am a witness to the richness of this "mana from heaven", The tiny compressed tablet (some preparation are in powder and capsule form) that I use to give to my youngest daughter. We were able to break the cycle of her bi-monthly hospitalization. There are numerous testimonies from anxious mothers saving their children from various diseases.

To be continued....

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The True Function of Cholesterol in the Body

Dr. Rath explained that cholesterol is a surrogate to vitamin C, once vitamin c is lacking, lessions in our arteries and veins are being taped (as an adhesive tape) by apoprotein where in layman term called "cholesterol". Cholesterol is a secondary option to help our body not to suffer the consequence as a result of those millions small cuts in the arteries and veins. The article below will give us more idea of the functions of cholesterol which we call bad, the culprit and being feared just like deadly bacteria or viruses that attacks our body.

Dispel the Myths: The True Function of Cholesterol in the Body
Monday, March 16, 2009 by: Elizabeth Walling, citizen journalist
See all articles by this author
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Key concepts: Health, Hormones and Nervous system

NaturalNews) If you've been religiously counting cholesterol grams in an attempt to eliminate it from your diet, you may be startled to hear the main function of cholesterol in the body is not to clog your arteries. The media has propagated cholesterol as a vile substance akin to trans fat, but in reality, it's not so simple. Cholesterol is not all bad - in fact, it has important functions in a variety of vital processes in your body.

First it should be noted that cholesterol is not a type of fat; it is a high-molecular- weight alcohol made in the liver and other cells in the body. It is not water-soluble and cannot actually be transported freely in the blood. Instead, it is carried in lipoprotein throughout the body so it performs essential duties.

Here are just some of the many tasks cholesterol accomplishes in your body each day:

- Cholesterol is a crucial building material in the body. It helps maintain the structure of cells and vessels, improving overall health and function in the body.

- Cholesterol is a precursor to important sex hormones like testosterone, estrogen, androgen and progesterone. It is also a precursor to corticosteroids, hormones whose primary function is to protect the body against stress and disease. This includes the crucial hormones, cortisol and DHEA.

- Used as an insulator around nerves, cholesterol promotes healthynervous system function and helps to prevent diseases associated with the nervous system. It is absolutely essential for brain function.

- Since bile salts are made from cholesterol, adequate cholesterol is needed for proper digestion. In addition, cholesterol aids the digestive system by strengthening the intestinal walls.

- Cholesterol is a precursor to vitamin D, an important nutrient which supports a healthy immune and nervous system, reproduction, insulin production and the metabolism of minerals. Recently the suggested daily allowance for vitamin D has been significantly raised in light of how important it is for good health.

- Serotonin receptors in the brain require cholesterol in order to function properly. Serotonin is an important neurotransmitter that promotes a natural feeling of well-being. Low levels of serotonin are linked to depression, violence and suicide.

Understanding this information can help to clear up the fog surrounding the truth about cholesterol' s function in the body. Cholesterol itself is not a substance that should be feared as one would fear the bubonic plague. It is a naturally occurring alcohol, manufactured by the body for very specific and necessary reasons. Without it, our quality of life would be severely reduced and our health would ultimately fail.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Vitamin C part 4

Im doing a very extensive reviews on Vitamin C because of the great wonders it provides those who needed it. Their are more people who had lots to tell about Vit C but just to share with you the last but not the least amongst vit c proponents I give you Irwin Stone who wrote a wide range of discussions in his online book on the subject matter. please visit this site:

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Vitamin C Part 3

My knowledge on vitamin C has been broaden by the influence of Adelle Davis, Dr. Klenner and Linus Pauling. To discuss further, I could not help but present a very well known proponent of my favorite vitamin, ....An American scientist, peace activist, author, educator, most influential chemist, among the first scientist to work in the fields of quantum chemistry, molecular biology & orthomolecular medicine....Linus Carl Pauling (Feb 28, 1901-August 19, 1994).

The article below was taken from

Linus Pauling lectures on Vitamin C and Heart Disease
August 13, 1993
By Michael Wooldridge,
One of the great scientific mavericks of this century spoke at LBL August 10, 1993 at a special seminar hosted by the Life Sciences Division's Lipoprotein and Atherosclerosis Group. Linus Pauling, two-time Nobel laureate and the world's foremost vitamin C proponent, entertained an overflow crowd in the Bldg. 66 auditorium with a talk on Vitamin C and Heart Disease.
The lively 92-year-old first gave a candid history of how he came to take up the vitamin C cause. He was introduced to the subject by biochemist Irwin Stone in 1966. Five years later, he would pen "Vitamin C and the Common Cold," and then boldly go on to champion vitamin C as a fighter of more serious diseases such as cancer.
According to Pauling, the vitamin's versatility in illness prevention arises from its role in the manufacture of collagen, the protein that gives shape to connective tissues and strength to skin and blood vessels.
One of the great misfortunes of human evolution, Pauling explained, was when our human ancestors lost their ability to manufacture vitamin C. Pauling thinks the trait was probably discarded at a time when our ancestors had a diet of vitamin-rich plants and didn't need to produce the vitamin themselves. This left today's primates (including humans) as one of the few groups of animals that must get the vitamin through the diet.
Ever since proto-humans moved out of fruit-and-vegetable-rich habitats, Pauling said, they have suffered great deficiencies of vitamin C. Pauling has forthrightly recommended that people make up for this deficiency with daily doses of vitamin C much greater than the 60 mg generally recommended.
He said our vitamin C consumption should be on par with what other animals produce by themselves, typically 10-12 grams a day. Pauling practices what he preaches, having gradually upped his daily doses of vitamin C from 3 grams in the 1960s to a hefty 18 grams today.
Pauling went on to discuss vitamin C's connection with lipoprotein-a, a substance whose levels in the blood have been linked to cardiovascular disease. Lipoprotein-a is also a major component of the plaques found in the blood vessels of atherosclerosis patients.
Pauling has published studies asserting that lipoprotein-a is a surrogate for vitamin C, serving to strengthen blood vessel walls in the absence of adequate amounts of the vitamin in the diet

To be continued..

Monday, March 9, 2009

Vitamin C Part 2

"Recently the FDA has published a 'warning' that too much soda-ascobate might be harmful, referring to the sodium ion. In reply to this I can state that for many years I have taken 10 to 20 grams of sodium ascorbate by mouth daily, and my blood sodium remains normal. These levels are checked by an approved laboratory. 20 grams each day and my urine remains at or just above pH 6.".... Dr. Klenner.

Dr. Klenner have used mega dose of Vitamin C in the past 30 years to over 10,000 people but find no ill effect.... Just to share some of the powerful testimonies, I gathered informations from different sources to witness the miracle vitamin that have saves so many lives.

Ascorbic acid is a powerful oxidizer and when given in massive amounts; that is, 50 grams to 150 grams, intravenously, for certain pathological conditions, and "run in" as fast as 20 Gauge needle will allow, it acts as a "Flash Oxidizer," often correcting the pathology within minutes.

The inability of man to manufacture his own ascorbic acid, due to genetic fault, has been called "hypoascorbemia" by Irwin Stone. The physiological requirements in man are no different from other mammals capable of carrying out this synthesis.

Klenner administered ascorbate by injection, and, as Lendon H. Smith describes in great detail in the Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C: The Clinical Experiences of Frederick R. Klenner, M.D., Klenner found that “the most effective route was intravenous, but the intramuscular route was satisfactory. He gave at least 350 mg per kilogram of body weight.” That quantity per day is a dose of 25,000-30,000 mg or so for an adult. Yet, Smith adds, “With 350 mg per kilogram of body weight every two hours, he could stop measles and dry up chicken pox.”

In 1951, “In an especially incredible case,” Levy says, “Klenner described a five-year-old girl stricken with polio. This child had already been paralyzed in both her lower legs for over four days! The right leg was completely limp, and the left leg was determined to be 85% flaccid. Pain was noticed especially in the knee and lumbar areas. Four consulting physicians confirmed the diagnosis of polio. Other than massage, vitamin C was the only therapy initiated. After four days of vitamin C injections the child was again moving both legs, but with only very slow and deliberate movement. Klenner also noted that there was a “definite response” after only the first injection of vitamin C. The child was discharged from the hospital after four days, and 1,000 mg of oral vitamin C was continued every two hours with fruit juice for seven days. The child was walking about, although slowly, on the 11th day of treatment. By the 19th day of treatment there was a “complete return of sensory and motor function, and no long-term impairment ever resulted. Vitamin C not only completely cured this case of polio, it completely reversed what would undoubtedly have been a devastating, crippling result for the remainder of this girl’s life.

Dr. Klenner remembers using (ascorbate) for a man, who was lying near death from severe virus pneumonia, but refused to be hospital­ized. I went to his house and gave him one big shot with five grams or 5,000 milligrams of vitamin C, he recalled. When I went back later in the day, his temperature was down three degrees and he was sitting on the edge of the bed eating. I gave him another shot of C, 5,000 milligrams and kept up that dosage for three days, four times a day. And he was well.

Klenner used vitamin C, often accompanied with high doses of other nutrients, to fight a striking variety of other illnesses. Smith itemizes a list that includes Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, bladder infections, alcoholism, arthritis, leukemia, atherosclerosis, ruptured intervertebral discs, high cholesterol, corneal ulcer, diabetes, glaucoma, burns and secondary infections, heat stroke, radiation burns, heavy metal poisoning, chronic fatigue, and complications resulting from surgery. Additionally, Klenner also reported mega nutrient cures of tetanus, trichinosis, venomous bites from spiders or snakes, and, perhaps most controversially, multiple sclerosis.

Linus Pauling said, “The early papers by Dr. Fred R. Klenner provide much information about the use of large doses of vitamin C in preventing and treating many diseases. These papers are still important.

Klenner is justly remembered as the doctor who was first to boldly assert that Ascorbic acid is the safest and most valuable substance available to the physician and that patients should be given large doses of vitamin C in all pathological conditions while the physician ponders the diagnosis.

“I have used Dr. Klenner’s methods on hundreds of patients,” said Lendon H. Smith. “He is right.”


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of my most treasured supplements. A friend who is suffering from severe nose bleed in our childhood was advised to take 500 mg of Vitamin C per day by his doctor. He would sometimes make us taste his “medicine” convincing us it taste like candy. We loved it so much. That memory helped me to deal with my own children having nose bleedings. I consulted a doctor regarding nose bleeding, she told us it’s sometimes normal for young kids since the veins in their nostril are quite sensitive and told us not to worry so much.


Adelle Davis, the world famous nutritionist gave me more enlightenment on the supplement from her book entitled “Let’s Eat Right to keep fit”  she said, my first personal experience with massive doses of vitamin C came when my son, then five years old had a mumps one morning when we awoke. The evidence was unmistakable. Starting at 7AM., I gave him 1000mg of melted vitamin C directly from the spoon every hour except when he slept. Making a total of 10,000 mg during the day. By the evening, all swelling was gone, and there was no further sign of illness.


It was from this book that I experimented taking large doses of Vitamin C and almost totally stopped taking antibiotics.

It was in this same book that I discovered Dr. Frederick Klenner M.D., F.C.C.P, a native of Pennsylvania, Dr. Klenner attended St. Vincent and St. Francis College, where he received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Biology. He graduated “magna cum laude” and was awarded a teaching fellowship there. He was also awarded the college medal ‘for scholastic philosophy. There followed another teaching fellowship in Chemistry at Catholic University, where he pursued studies for a doctorate in Physiology.

Dr Klenner told of an 18 months old girl suffering from polio. The mother reported that the child had become paralyzed following a convulsion, after which she soon lost consciousness. When Dr Klenner first saw the child, her little body was blue, stiff and cold to the touch; he could neither hear heart sounds nor feel her pulse; her rectal temperature was 100 F. The only sign of life he could detect was a suggestion of moisture condensed on a mirror held on her mouth. The mother was convinced that the child was already dead. Dr. Klenner injected 6,000 mg of vitamin C into her blood; 4 hours later the child was cheerful and alert, holding a bottle with her right hand, though her left side was paralyzed. A second injection was given; soon the child was laughing and could hold her bottle with both hands all signs of paralysis gone.  Dr. Klenner quite understandably speaks of vitamin C as the anti biotic par excellence.


With his extremely Ill patients Dr. Klenner found that no vitamin C whatsoever could be detected in the blood only few minutes after massive doses were injected nor was any vitamin C found in the urine. It is his belief that this vitamin combines immediately with toxins and/or virus, thus causing the fever to drop.


To be continued… 



Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Graviola and Pawpaw

How It Works
These products come from trees in the tropical areas of South and North America. They kill cancer cells as a minimum, but may have other affects on cancer. Paw Paw is known to work by blocking ATP production and thus reduce the voltage of the cancer cell to the point it falls apart (apoptosis or programmed cell death). Because Paw Paw and graviola are cousins, I assume that is also the way graviola works. They are also known to build the immunity system.

Graviola Tree and Paw Paw Tree

This is one of those treatments for cancer that is fairly new, meaning it has only recently found its way onto the internet. Nevertheless, there have been a lot of scientific studies on these two products. At the current time most of the articles for Graviola and cancer come from a single source - the Health Sciences Institute ), though there are a growing number of independent articles.

Paw Paw is actually stronger than graviola at treating cancer. Paw Paw is the more potent of the two because of its more sophisticated and larger molecular structures. Graviola is sometimes called "Brazilian Paw Paw," which can cause some confusion.

Paw Paw is clearly more powerful than graviola when treating cancer, if the quality of the processing is comparable. However, I would take freshly cut graviola over bottled Paw Paw (but American's can't get freshly cut graviola). Graviola only has single ring compounds, while the Paw Paw's acetogenins have several double ring compounds (e.g. bullatacin) which makes Paw Paw much more powerful.

Paw Paw works (and I assume graviola as well) by slowing down or stopping the production of ATP. This in turn lowers the voltage of the cell. For normal cells, there is plenty of ATP, thus lowering the level of ATP has no effect on the cell. However, with cancer cells, due to the way they create energy (by fermentation), ATP is far more critical.

When the ATP level, and the energy of the cell level, drops to a critical level the cell falls apart. The residual pieces of the dead cancer cell are called "lysing" and I assume are similiar to other apoptosis (programmed cell death) killed cells. If that is the case, then part of the lysing is literally "eaten" by other cells (called: phagocytosed).

However, because the cancer cells in a cancer patient are frequently clusted together, a large amount of lysing can be created within a cancer patient such that high levels of clustered lysing cannot be eaten by surrounding cells. Such a situation is especially dangerous for lung cancer patients and brain cancer patients where a clustered amount of lysing can be very dangerous.

Here is some technical information on graviola:

"The Annonaceous acetogenins discovered in graviola thus far include: annocatalin, annohexocin, annomonicin, annomontacin, annomuricatin A & B, annomuricin A thru E, annomutacin, annonacin, annonacinone, annopentocin A thru C, cis-annonacin, cis-corossolone, cohibin A thru D, corepoxylone, coronin, corossolin, corossolone, donhexocin, epomuricenin A & B, gigantetrocin, gigantetrocin A & B, gigantetrocinone, gigantetronenin, goniothalamicin, iso-annonacin, javoricin, montanacin, montecristin, muracin A thru G, muricapentocin, muricatalicin, muricatalin, muri-catenol, muricatetrocin A & B muricatin D, muricatocin A thru C muricin H, muricin I, muricoreacin, murihexocin 3, murihexocin A thru C, murihexol, murisolin, robustocin, rolliniastatin 1 & 2, saba-delin, solamin, uvariamicin I & IV, xylomaticin.

Graviola, like its cousin Paw Paw, is known to greatly enhace the effectiveness of another alternative cancer treatment - Protocel. However, generally it is recommended that Protocel not be taken with graviola or Paw Paw. There are exceptions.

Because of the similarity of Paw Paw and graviola to Protocel, there is no doubt in my mind that in order to maximize the effectiveness of these products, they should be taken in exactly the same way as Protocel. In other words, every 6 hours, EXACTLY - 24 hours a day.

Paw Paw has been shown to kill multiple-drug resistant (MDR) cells, which result from someone taking chemotherapy. This is critical to understand because when a person on orthodox treatments comes out of remission into regression, a high percentage of their cancer cells are MDR cells. This would REQUIRE the use of Paw Paw to treat these patients.

Paw Paw is not toxic according to studies with beagles (dogs). It appears to be impossible to 'overdose', 32 capsules 4x/day were non toxic because it caused vomiting.

Paw Paw gravitates towards cells that use a lot of energy and then cuts off their energy supply. Since cancer cells use 10-17 times as much energy as a normal cell, Paw Paw acts on cancer cells. It is the same mechanism that made it so useful as a parasite cleanse and to kill hair lice.

It is also the reason that pregnant women should not take Paw Paw. Paw Paw could see some of the fast growing cells in the fetus as high energy cells. In addition, some of the cells in a fetus are very similar to cancer cells (i.e. the "trophoblastic" cells), so pregnant women should ALWAYS be careful what they take for cancer.

If no cancer, parasite, or other high energy users are available, Paw Paw may gravitate towards fast growing cells lining the digestive and intestinal system walls. This is why the main manufacturer, Nature's Sunshine, strongly cautions against long term use for non-cancer patients. Some people with cancer have reported digestion distress such as nausea. For this reason it is recommended to take Paw Paw with food.

Warnings For Both Products

In the past, it was thought that the effectiveness of Paw Paw, like Protocel, was damaged by taking antioxidants with Paw Paw. However, new research has shown that this is not the case.

"The head of NSP research, Dr. Bill Keller, provided Paw Paw with supporting products to a research oncologist and his laboratory to test with actual cultures. Several of Nature's Sunshine strong antioxidants were also provided. The research personnel concluded overwhelmingly that there was no negative prevention of Paw Paw action as a result of the antioxidants."

No one with Parkinsons Disease should take Paw Paw or graviola unless alkaloid-free preparations are used. There is also a possibility of allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.

Supercharging This Treatment

Paw Paw is generally considered stronger than graviola. This does not mean that graviola should not be used. Cat's Claw and Ellagic Acid seem to be items that people like to combine with Graviola. However, if you take Cat's Claw make sure you take a product like Samento, which is a TOA-free Cat's Claw.

The information above is from by R. Webster Kher.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Just this morning, I overheared my friends talking about someone who is in need of help. A young lady is suffering from cancer within the neck area. The family of this girl is open to any solution available, so I recommend the formula of Dr. Rath and Paulings which is the combination of Sodium Ascorbate, L-Lysine and L-Proline. The combination of these ingredients is not just for Cancer, this formula saved me from heart disease which started in April 2008 and is on the process saving a friend who was advised by his doctor to prepare about P80,000 (P47 /1US$) for a  procedure to be made before a by pass operation where he will be spending again around P200,000. The 3 combo can remove plaque in your arteries and it had done wonders to those who dared and tried. If you have read my posting dated January 12,  I explained how these formula works to stop the growth of cancer cells from spreading (metastases). I also shared Dr. Budwig's flaxseed oil and low fat cottage cheeze, a food/medicine that you could hardly accept as solution to dreaded diseases including terminal cancer unless you learn how it works and know who the author was.

Today, Gerry D., a good friend of mind from Malaysia send me an article regarding an ordinary tropical fruit tree that could be used as powerful weapon agaist cancer. Well,  I'm not yet sure about this but giving it a try would not harm you, after all, it's edible?

Read This:
One of America 's biggest billion-dollar drug makers began a search for a cancer cure and their research centered on Graviola, a legendary healing tree from the Amazon Rainforest.

Various parts of the Graviola tree--including the bark, leaves, roots, fruit and fruit-seeds--have been used for centuries by medicine men and native Indians in South America to treat heart disease, asthma, liver problems and arthritis. Going on very little documented scientific evidence, the company poured money and resources into testing the tree's anti-cancerous properties--and were shocked by the results. Graviola proved itself to be a cancer-killing dynamo.

But that's where the Graviola story nearly ended.

The company had one huge problem with the Graviola tree--it's completely natural, and so, under federal law, not patentable. There's no way to make serious profits from it.

It turns out the drug company invested nearly seven years trying to synthesize two of the Graviola tree's most powerful anti-cancer ingredients. If they could isolate and produce man-made clones of what makes the Graviola so potent, they'd be able to patent it and make their money back. Alas, they hit a brick wall. The original simply could not be replicated. There was no way the company could protect its profits--or even make back the millions it poured into research.

As the dream of huge profits evaporated, their testing on Graviola came to a screeching halt. Even worse, the company shelved the entire project and
chose not to publish the findings of its research!

Luckily, however, there was one scientist from the Graviola research team whose conscience wouldn't let him see such atrocity committed. Risking his career, he contacted a company that's dedicated to harvesting medical plants from the Amazon Rainforest and blew the whistle.


Miracle unleashed

When researchers at the Health Sciences Institute were alerted to the news of Graviola, they began tracking the research done on the cancer-killing tree. Evidence of the astounding effectiveness of Graviola--and its shocking cover-up--came in fast and furious...

...The National Cancer Institute performed the first scientific research in 1976. The results showed that Graviola's "leaves and stems were found effective in attacking and destroying malignant cells." Inexplicably, the results were published in an internal report and never released to the public...

...Since 1976, Graviola has proven to be an immensely potent cancer killer in 20 independent laboratory tests, yet no double-blind clinical trials--the typical benchmark mainstream doctors and journals use to judge a treatment's value--were ever initiated...

....A study published in the Journal of Natural Products, following a recent study conducted at Catholic University of South Korea stated that one chemical in Graviola was found to selectively kill colon cancer cells at "10,000 times the potency of (the commonly used chemotherapy drug) Adriamycin..."

...The most significant part of the Catholic University of South Korea report is that Graviola was shown to selectively target the cancer cells, leaving healthy cells untouched. Unlike chemotherapy, which indiscriminately targets all actively reproducing cells (such as stomach and hair cells), causing the often devastating side effects of nausea and hair loss in cancer patients.

...A study at Purdue University recently found that leaves from the Graviola tree killed cancer cells among six human cell lines and were especially effective against prostate, pancreatic and lung cancers...

Seven years of silence broken--it's finally here!

A limited supply of Graviola extract, grown and harvested by indigenous people in Brazil , is finally available in America . The full Graviola story--including where you can get it and how to use it--is included in Beyond Chemotherapy: New Cancer Killers, Safe as Mother's Milk, a Health Sciences Institute FREE special bonus report on natural substances that will effectively revolutionize the fight against cancer.

This crucial report (along with five more FREE reports) is yours ABSOLUTELY FREE with a new membership to the Health Sciences Institute. It's just one example of how absolutely vital each report from the Institute can be to your life and those of your loved ones.

From breakthrough cancer and heart research and revolutionary Amazon Rainforest herbology to world-leading anti-aging research and nutritional medicine, every monthly Health Sciences Institute Member's Alert puts in your hands today cures the rest of America --including your own doctor(!)--is likely to find out only ten years from now.

You need the Health Sciences Institute in your life because you and your loved ones deserve to know--and you deserve to know it

For further research: Please visit