Natural digestive enzymes - from plant (e,g, bromelain, papain) or pancreatic animal tissues (porcine, bovine, lamb) and aloe vera juice with a high MPS concentration (good brands are International Aloe, Earthnet and Royal) stomach acidity enhancing supplements - betaine and pepsin, glutamic acid, stomach bitters, apple cider vinegar amino acids - L-glutamine, N-acetyl-glucosamine (NAG) essential fatty acids - milled flax, flax seed oil, evening primrose oil, borage oil, olive oil, fish oils, black currant seed oil soluble fiber - psyllium seed husks and powder, apple or citrus pectin, the rice derived gamma oryzanol, antioxidants - carotenoids, B complex, vitamin C, E, zinc, selenium, germanium, Coenzyme Q10, bioflavonoids, especially quercetin, catechin, hesperidin, rutin and proanthocyanidins (pycnogenols, grape seed extract, pine bark extract, bilberry) herbs and plant extracts - kudzu, various high chlorophyll containing green drinks like spirulina, chlorella and blue green algae, burdock, slippery elm, Turkish rhubarb, sheep sorrel, licorice root, ginger root, goldenseal, bismuth and bentonite. Combination Green Foods - two excellent products are Green Life (Bioquest) and Greens Plus (Supplements Plus)
Due to the increasing recognition of chronic fatigue syndrome, the leaky gut syndrome and multiple chemical sensitivity, a number of supplement companies have been marketing powdered hypoallergenic formulations containing most of the nutrients mentioned above in one convenient package. Some brand names include Ultrabalance®, UltraClear Sustain®, UltraClear Plus®, Pro-Cleanse®, Pro-Support® and ActiClear®. The products are only available through natural health care practitioners like chiropractors, nutritional doctors and naturopaths. If you suspect you may be suffering from leaky gut syndrome, the most important thing to do is get yourself tested by a natural health care practitioner. A personalized natural program of diet and supplements can then be instituted to help you reverse this debilitating condition.
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