I'd like to tell them how three glasses of water, half a teaspoon of rock salt, one saba banana and siling labuyo took out a hypertensive patient's crushing headache and brought down her blood preasure from 240/140 to 115/75 in 5 minutes. And how it has done the same for other hypertensive patients.
I'd like to tell them how three people scheduled for leg amputation for diabetic gangrene got the gangrene cured, the very high blood sugar normalized and the amputation canceled in one week with the use of six mineral food supplements, raw pork pancreas which are very rich in natural insulin, raw garlic plastered over the would to kill any infection and 6,000 mg of vitamin C daily to accelerate the healing of the wound all at a cost of only P1,300 for that one week.
There are are many more things I'd like to tell them, which is why I'm happy to accept invitations to give natural healing lectures for free.
My mission is to spread the good new of natural healing to as many people as possible, and I am doing this together with the Philippine College for the advancement in Medicine (PCAM) a non-profit foundation founded in 1995 by seven medical doctors who have been practicing alternative medicine since the 1980's.